For more information and details about the actual meet, please visit post 2.

For new ClubCj Members- A National Meet is when Club members from different states in Australia either drive or fly to a holiday destination in a particular state, chosen by popular vote.
We aim for 4 star houses which can accommodate at least 10-20 people. with each member paying their share of the full price for accommodation, in return we all end up having fun doing a variety of activites (Based on the location). Standard activities include BBQs, Go Karting and of course, cruising around the area.
Our most recent National Meets as of 2013 were:
South Australia - Hosted by Shamoo of South Australia, created a National Meet in Mount Gambier which sits on the border of SA and VIC. In the end, it became a SA, VIC and NSW meet as I went down myself from Sydney by car.
Features of this National meet included 30km worth of unmonitored road and we were in an isolated location at Carpenter Rocks.

QLD Gold Coast - The 2014 National meet was the Gold Coast. Hosted by myself and ashleymorris, we got NSW, SA and VIC (Tbomb) to go up to QLD to a 4 star house which blew the mind of some members.
We did a cruise created by Sleeper which had one of the best roads up in QLD. Go Karting activities, entering the Gold Coast city as a cruise and of course BBQs and Fast and the Furious. Alcohol was involved and penalties taken place to "those" *cough* me who did not watch Fast and the Furious series by a deadline and chucked into a pool.
National meets are a great opportunity to meet other people and put faces to names on the club. It is a friendly environment and of course there is fooood and alcohol. We want to ensure that all members are felt welcome and everyone is to have fun!
Disclaimer - Coming on a ClubCj National Meet there are certain guidelines and rules that you must follow. By attending a National meet you will:
1. Not promote any form of hooning in town or in the local area.
2. Not Rev your car in a quiet neighbour hood (as it attracts cops). Unless location is isolated.
3. Not make any alterations or changes to another members car (Vinyls & Stickers excepted)
4. Not isolate or discriminate any other member
5. Not make a mess of the house and expect everyone else to clean up after you.
6. Not do burnouts or anything illegal on cruise days with newly met members (If there are new members)
7. Not wake people up between 12am and 6am in the morning. Unless stated otherwise
8. Not steal anything from the places we stay at.
9. Not perform anything stupid that may result injury or death. This includes when being intoxicated.
Members will:
1. (Strictly) Pay their share of the accommodation costs. Costs will work based on the offer provided by the house or location.
For example, if the house is $2000 for 5 days, divide that by 15, you will be 1 of the 15 paying their share of the house.
It is compulsory for anyone who attends will be entitled to this.
Accommodation costs range from $75 - $200(Max) depending on location. Mt Gambier was $75 Per person, and Gold Coast 2014
was around the $200 mark. However that includes 3-4 nights. So it's not bad.
2. Agree to have responsibility for anything broken in the house (plants, tvs, vases etc)
3. Contribute to dinner payments. Breakfast and Lunch will be determined before the event.
4. Are permitted to prank as long as it doesn't end in something breaking or ending in death.
5. Drink. Alcohol is definitely permitted at a National Meets. But please do not go overboard.
6. Understand that they are not entitled to stay at the house / villa if payments have not gone through.
7. Understand / agree that registration will be processed and organised by the organiser (2015: Metalstrix)
8. Understand that, if the house capacity is full, anyone else who would like to come along will have to book their own accommodation.
9. Understand that there needs to be a balance of interstate attendees and host state attendees. (That's why it's a nat meet)
Although the above sounds serious, just use common sense and don't do anything stupid and you will be fine.
What happens when any of the above happens? Basically, it means you will not be allowed to attend the next National meet
if these policies are clearly ignored.