We did this a few years back and it was AWESOME! The bruises and sore ribs the next day were not so cool however

We went to the go karts at pooraka on research road. We hired the whole track and cos it was at night we had the track for as long as we wanted. This track is really cool. Its all out doors n pretty big. The karts there are faster too then kart mania ones. The catch it though to hire the track we needed min 10 people. At that stage track here was $600, so $60 per person. But the place now has new owners and price has gone up to $1000 for track hire

When we were there we had 2 teams of like 5 ppl and did 3 races for each team, then the too 5 fastest had their own race. It was a great night.
I'm not too sure what the other go kart places are like. I've heard Richmond is pretty good and they also do track hires.
I have some friends who go to gepps x a lot. They pay $45 but I duno how many laps that gets them.
I have spoken to Karl about gokarting as he races them on weekends. He might be able to help out as hrs in the business.
Also the dudes who do Malanats are doing a second Mallanats for the year later on. They are also doing a Jap Nats in Oct. They are looking for cars to enter in the show n shine. I have enquied about a club entry for the show n shine. After seeing the quality of the cars on display at All Jap Day, our lancers are worthy of being put on display.
If your interested let me know.