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Undercar Neons?

HID's, Bulb's + LED Interior and Exterior Illumination.

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Postby tryg » Sun Mar 07, 2010 3:53 pm

bd-850 wrote:and yes you can have a red neon at the back of the car and on, as long as it is wired to the brake lights and that it still follows the rules of brake lights, ie position, not too low, not to high etc

And looking at the millions who choose to not do this, must be because of the fact that it would be crap.. neon activates too slowly for this kind of use... too power hungry... the rest of us use LED.

I think I saw a few mid-90's white bogan Commodores doing this.. but that would be the type...

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Postby Graham » Sun Mar 07, 2010 4:56 pm

I haven't been able to find any official documents that state what colours are illegal, but cops will not like blue/red undercar neons.

I got yellow stickered for having blue neons in my magna (they weren't solid blue, they were "flowing" front to back and you could see the light side-on so that was fair enough.

I've been given a warning for the blue LED's in the grille of my Lancer, they said no emergency colours at all so they gave me a warning and flagged my car for 6 months... GRRRR it also helps alot when my car is a VOI too...
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Postby Defix9 » Sun Mar 07, 2010 8:09 pm

lol what a VOI?

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Postby SIR-VRX » Sun Mar 07, 2010 8:13 pm

Vehicle of Interest
ie His car is on the "watch list"

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Postby Graham » Sun Mar 07, 2010 9:01 pm

Not that I really did anything wrong, but guilty by association..
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Postby arutha » Sun Mar 07, 2010 9:35 pm

one thing that has only been glossed over in this thread is interior lighting. whilst it is fine to have any colour interior lighting the tubes must not be visible to other motorists whilst the vehicle is in motion. also i would advise against mounting them in a position that they can be seen directly by anyone inside the cabin. what i mean by this is mount them in the footwell so they shine a light out but you can't see the tube. mounting a light around your gearstick on the centre console, while the tube may not be directly visible to other motorists you are still likely to cop (pardon the pun) a lecture from any member of trafic branch about the light causing a distraction to the driver (driving with out due care will be the offence that is issued)

simplified for interior lighting . none visible tube ie under seats or footwell = fine. visible tube ie dangling off the roof liner or ontop of the arm rests = not fine.

hope this helps
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