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QLD ClubCJ Christmas Meet/Dinner
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n00b question time...
uploading photos? how?
hahah... I like the straight forward kind, "click here to upload".
i'm just headin out, but will be back later and put them up

tykkään kiiltävä, nopeasti ja se on saanut olla ähkyä.
ClubCJ Lifetime Member #86
tykkään kiiltävä, nopeasti ja se on saanut olla ähkyä.
ClubCJ Lifetime Member #86
Already been on FB tagging those
To upload, you can link them off FB this way:
Right-click, copy the URL of the photo (eg: http://www.facebook.com/blahblah/12345.jpg)
then in a post you put that URL in between these "tags" like this: [img](URL%20goes%20here)[/img]

To upload, you can link them off FB this way:
Right-click, copy the URL of the photo (eg: http://www.facebook.com/blahblah/12345.jpg)
then in a post you put that URL in between these "tags" like this: [img](URL%20goes%20here)[/img]
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