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Proposed Event Calendar - 2010

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Proposed Event Calendar - 2010

Postby LZY_EYE » Thu Oct 29, 2009 11:57 am

Hi Guys

I have noticed that we tend to get a lot of people to our meets at Norwest but not neccessarily to our cruises

I am going to begin to organise an event calendar for 2010.

The idea is that at the same time each month we will have a cruise, and hopefully this should promote more members to attend.

I was thinking the last sunday of the month. Sundays seem to be easier for the majority to attend.

I am also looking at organising either a bi-annually or quarterly weekend cruise where we have a bit more extended cruise and stay over.

On top of these cruises we will still have mini meets etc which can just be planned on the go, or these can be incorporated into the calendar if that's what is prefered.

This also does not stop anyone from posting events that they may be organising or attending (eg MCA cruises etc) but I would prefer to see guys attend the official cruises if possible.

What I am asking from you is feedback as to whether you think this is a good idea and will make it easier for you all to plan to attend.

Also, I will need some help with locations etc. We would obviously like to make it fair and have some cruises based out of different regions so it isn't the same people travelling all the time. I will be asking someone more local to the cruise location to assist in mapping out a route etc.

So guys, what do you think?

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Postby bd-850 » Thu Oct 29, 2009 12:34 pm

That sounds good

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Postby Ozie » Thu Oct 29, 2009 12:37 pm

its what we need.

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Postby bd-850 » Thu Oct 29, 2009 12:51 pm

is it possible for the mods or admin to design a calander for cruises, and other events.

Each month post up a calander with that months cruises and events.

something like this.


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Postby LZY_EYE » Thu Oct 29, 2009 12:59 pm

There already is...

See in the ClubCJ dropdown...

The point is that it isnt being utilised properly yet.

I will be updating this calendar as well with the cruises.

The goal I want to achieve is getting locations set etc before the start of 2010 so that people can organise their time and hopefully attend the cruises rather than saying they have to work etc.

This is where I need members help to come up with some cruise locations etc now. I don't necessarily need a full route now, just locations. I would like to keep the cruises around the 400km mark from meet point to end if possible.

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Postby bd-850 » Thu Oct 29, 2009 1:06 pm

ahhh well there you go, maybe have it more notable.

being part of a vintage car club, we have a run just about every weekend and we find its the same people over and over again organising the runs, most runs we dont leave town, go for a little drive around then have lunch at a park. the Vintage car club is a little driffent that this club in age groups, but its still a club.

maybe there are sights and attractions that you can visit as a group, like go carting, even some movies, even fishing if you guys like that.

we find that its not where you go but how you get there and the company that makes the day. some of our best runs have been to a park but we went on a 2hr drive without leaving the town, i know its easier in the country, but yeah im gona stop crapping on now

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Postby Chubb » Thu Oct 29, 2009 1:36 pm

Yeah this would be great lzy_eye. Being 6 hours from brissy and sydney this would give me the opportunity to plan time off to attend the cruises, I am all for the idea.

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Postby LZY_EYE » Thu Oct 29, 2009 2:41 pm

BD-850 I am all for activity ideas as well like go carting etc.

Also things like track days where we cant really choose the date would also have to be flexible.

So..... I think this short discussion has proved that the idea should work....

If anyone has any ideas, please speak now. I know there are other threads, but I think we are better having them in one location. Also, if anyone wants to, PM them to me and I will start working out the monthly cruises.

Also if anyone has ideas for a weekend away, please let me know. I think we need to start planning these a few months in advance so we can have accomodation booked etc. Don't want a repeat of Forster when we finally got organised and everywhere was booked out!

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Postby bd-850 » Thu Oct 29, 2009 3:14 pm

ok, so have they Syd boys met up the the Melb boys???

if not maybe have a weekend run to Wagga Wagga, (half way for both) ((oh 1 hour for me))

but here are a few attactions around the area

Flying Days 2010
January 30th & 31st
April 10 & 11
June 5 & 6
August 14 & 15
September To be confirmed
November 20 & 21

Rev-arena Go-karts

Willans Hill Miniature Railway

Bradmans Birthplace Cootamundra

Cricket Captains Walk

Dog On The Tuckerbox Pioneer Monument

Green Grove Organics - Organic Licorice

if we had plenty of notice we can book some places and set up a plan.

i think it would be good for both stated to meet up and enjoy the country clean air.

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Postby LZY_EYE » Thu Oct 29, 2009 3:23 pm

you missed one.... running into ex wife and ex-inlaws lol

The flying days are very good fun and very interesting.

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Postby bd-850 » Thu Oct 29, 2009 3:27 pm

i will just get wendy to go infront with the rodeo and the bull bar ;)


Postby STACYS » Sat Oct 31, 2009 6:20 pm

bd-850 wrote:ok, so have they Syd boys met up the the Melb boys

Oh im not a boy!

Am i still welcome to tag along...? :lol:

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Postby bd-850 » Sat Oct 31, 2009 6:25 pm

ohh that depends ;) lol, im sure you could come also

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Postby LZY_EYE » Sat Oct 31, 2009 6:26 pm

LOL I am sure when Ben said boys... he meant boys and girls :P


I need cruise suggestions...... so far I have....

1 day cruises...

1. Wisemans Ferry
2. Wollombi / Wineries
3. Blue Mountains
4. Central Coast area
5. Swansea / Newcastle
6. Royal National Park

Overnight cruises

1. Nelson Bay
2. Canberra
3. Wagga
4. Albury
5. Tamworth

We are pretty right for overnight cruises as I am only going to plan for 2 a year. I need more ideas for day cruises so we can mix it up to cater for all regions.

Also what does everyone think of having a set day each month where we cruise.

The reason I am doing this calendar is so that it enables more people to attend the cruises. I am never going to please everyone, but I would like to know that it is going to work :)

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Postby bd-850 » Sat Oct 31, 2009 6:29 pm

i think set days will work well,

but as ive said before, im involved with a vintage car club, and we started off having two runs a month and hardly anyone was turning up, but now we have a run on every weekend we are getting more people turning up. now i know its a little diffrent because the Vitage car club are full of old people that dont work weekends so it suits them better,

but i think if you have one or two BIG runs a month and the other weekends have just a small run (like just to a park close by and have a BBQ lunch)

if that all makes sence
Last edited by bd-850 on Sat Oct 31, 2009 6:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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