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Mizta B
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Postby Mizta B » Wed Aug 26, 2009 5:34 pm

Name : Chris

Age: 48

1. Have you ever been to Prison? NO,But worked in one

2. Have you known anyone who has been in prison, and did they influence your perception of corrections? NO

3. What is your attitude and thought on prisons & What comes into your mind when you hear the word prison? Barbaric places but necessary
Prisoners here have too many liberties and don't always learn

4. How did you get your impressions on prison? by being a corrections officer and seeing first hand how inmates act and interact
Australasian Gerbil Rearers Organisation, Official Re-Seller.
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Postby bd-850 » Wed Aug 26, 2009 6:07 pm

Name (Only first name required): Ben
Age: 23

1. Have you ever been to Prison? No

2. Have you known anyone who has been in prison, and did they influence your perception of corrections?

Kinda i didnt know him but he is related (Raymond John Denning)

3. What is your attitude and thought on prisons & What comes into your mind when you hear the word prison?

they are there for a reason, bad place

4. How did you get your impressions on prison?


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