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Epic bad news.

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Postby hasu12 » Fri Jul 24, 2009 12:37 pm

oh well shit happen lol . i am shitting myself lol 9 points lost a year hhaa i bought my lancer a year ago lol ..now i drive inspeed limit most of the time tired to save fuel lol

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Postby bye2u » Fri Jul 24, 2009 1:26 pm

always hearing about u doing stupid speeds on the roads and also that time when you made a thread about you and your friends who were "trying" to drift on a public road and nearly hitting that old lady?.. lol its about time you got caught.. good form moderator!

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Postby Tarquin » Fri Jul 24, 2009 2:21 pm


I will echo all the comments in this thread and just shake my head at your own stupidity.... and then to brag about it as well? wtf is going through your head...??

oh yeah.... a uni student with no cares in the world, of course....

After the last thread you started about getting fined and being stupid on the road, I would have hoped that you might have done something about it to drive better - for the sake of the other road user, and not your selfish self....

wake up.... next time you will need shovel.
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Postby SIR-VRX » Fri Jul 24, 2009 2:35 pm

Might I aad Josh, I did see your post of Facebook about the pub carpark... THAT was $^%^&# stupid of you.

Glad you don't attend any of the cruises that I organise, otherwise I'd think about not inviting you. We all drive safely and follow the road rules. Something you should do before it is too late.

I didn't want to mention this before, but I will now.

I have had mates killed and/or badly injured in car crashes, some was stupid behaviour from other drivers like yourself, other times they were the ones driving. This kind of behaviour that you are undertaking makes me so angry. And to laugh it off like you are... not very smart.

One incident that happened when I was in year 12, a fellow classmate was charged and sentenced with manslaughter. He was driving a vehicle, lost control and crashed into another vehicle, killing 2 people. 1 was the other driver, the other was a girl previously attended my school, and we all knew her still. His life is now messed up, not only has he served jail time, he lost one of his best friends.

As somebody else mentioned, I also recall the various threads about you and your mates, including the top speed testing event "at a race track" not for one second did I believe this was a race circuit!! Feel free to prove me wrong though... with evidence.

So let this suspension be a lesson for you... SLOW DOWN AND STOP THE STUPID AND RECKLESS DRIVING.

Now I also notice that you have a clubCJ decal, and a large one at that, in a very visible postition. F*&#$%^ great way to represent the club that is.


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Postby tadz0rz » Fri Jul 24, 2009 2:37 pm

How did you loose your licence in a CJ? lol

Gotta say josh, terrible form, i think that turbo has given you a big head. I mean, it would give me a big head but id play it safe for sure. I usally make a mockery of anyone who pulls up next to me and they look like they wanna race. I rev my engine, they rev theirs...light goes green and they go flying while i leasurly drive off in a safe and controlled manner. I just laugh at people like that because most of the dickheads that pull up beside me are all commodores and hondas.

At least you cant bag me for having to drive with my mum, since you cant drive at all! OooO i went there!
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Postby SIR-VRX » Fri Jul 24, 2009 2:38 pm

He has a turbo now?

Like seriously? I thought he was just pulling our legs?

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Postby tadz0rz » Fri Jul 24, 2009 2:41 pm

Lol i dont know, he said he's got a turbo, whether or not his telling the truth or not, it woulda given him a big head. If i had a turbo id be braggin about it all over the forum :P
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Postby SIR-VRX » Fri Jul 24, 2009 2:45 pm

Pics or BAN I say

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Postby Ozie » Fri Jul 24, 2009 2:52 pm

Yes Josh, you indirectly broke the Clubs Rules.
i mean driving at stupid speeds on any road in any condition,
is Street Racing to me.

I am really pissed off about this.

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Postby JaCe » Fri Jul 24, 2009 4:12 pm

Disappointing is all I can say. Especially from a mod.

I'm not going to pretend to be a saint here, and I've done my fair share of stupid things, but the way you posted about it on this forum does make it sound like you knew it was coming and yet did nothing to change your behaviour. It's no wonder the general public & the media associates teens, hoons and Lancers into a single category.

Might I add it's thanks to kids like you, that I have to pay a fkload for insurance. As for whether you have a turbo or not, insurance is gonna skyrocket either way.

Btw the only plus side to all this is maybe you being sat in time-out for 6 months will teach you to appreciate your licence (and the rules which come with it) a little bit more. Better this way than being unable to physically drive a car at all.

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Postby mitch.honey » Fri Jul 24, 2009 6:01 pm

all i can say is why do we have a mod like this on our forums?
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Postby Josh_Emerton » Fri Jul 24, 2009 6:11 pm

Jesus christ - because you lot are all saints.

For the record - All offences occured before I installed the turbo's, and the turbo's are in there only for a track week. I will keep the turbo's, but not installed, because I am on my P's. Aint an idiot.

Also for the record: Adrian - the story about your mate really brought a tear to my eye. Nah, just joking. He was a tosser who decided to show off. I don't do that. IF I decide to bend the rules slightly, I never have anyone with me, and its usually at 3 in the morning. If I'm going to put someone at risk its going to be myself and thats all.

The responses to this thread have actually disappointed me. I am not 'bragging' about it, I am merely keeping people informed - I don't remember Peanut getting all this shit when he lost his. I'm also not going 'omgwtfbbq i did this mad cool skid and this dick in a car with lgihts decided he didnt like me'. Jesus. I recognise that I have made mistakes, and am now paying for them.

And all the 'senior moderator' slurs... How is that relevant? Has nothing to do with the club whatsoever. I'm a moderator on the forum, and on the forum only. I'm not a road cop.

Pics or Ban Adrian. You are officially the first member to actually call for me to be banned. Have fun with that. I'll get pics when I can.

Basically - All I'm getting is a lot of people right now being pompous angels. For those who don't know - I'm 18, on my p's and i like to have a bit of fun. Once I'm older, I'm sure I'll be preaching just like you. Just try and remember back to when you were kids? I think Tadz is probably the only person who understands where I'm coming from here - and thats at a push. He's still on his L's, probably religiously follows road rules.

P.s. Ozie - street racing is street racing. speeding is speeding. There's a massive difference, don't be a dick about it.

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Postby Peanut » Fri Jul 24, 2009 6:35 pm

Ok this is by no mean defending Josh he like me f#%ked up on the road and we are paying for it, our actions where wrong neither of us have tried to justify them, we know we did wrong, just making that clear.

As for everyone ranting and raving can you honestly say that you have never suffered a license suspension or broken the law on the road, i am going to make an assumption and say apart from Tadz everyone has done something only difference is you havent been caught, so does that make you a saint? I dont think so.

As for banning Josh i will throw my hat into the ring and say if you ban him you ban me too you cant have different rules for different people.

Also for clarification i am a 21 yr old Mechanic so i need my license for work and was lucky that my boss is i car nut to, so dont make the massive misconception that because his 18 and a uni student his a hoon, everyone does it so before you get on your high horse take a look at your history on the road.

I know this is probably very broken in structure and sppech but deal with it, its something that i feel strongly about.
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bobcrusader wrote:
Blake, you must be a member of the fun police? Do you know my wife?

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Postby Ozie » Fri Jul 24, 2009 6:38 pm

i thought you would be a bit humbled by all the comments Josh.
I mean you started this, What did you think people would say...
Give you fives and shit..!!

you have just completely lost me old mate.
wake up to yourself. PA-LEASE!!!!

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Postby Josh_Emerton » Fri Jul 24, 2009 6:40 pm

As previously stated, I'm not bragging about it. Why would I expect high-fives? Stop being a dick Ozie. No offence intended.

As for what I expecting? Nothing. I didnt expect a thing. And certainly nothing liek this.

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