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LED Low and High beam

HID's, Bulb's + LED Interior and Exterior Illumination.

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Re: LED Low and High beam

Postby Lancer1993 » Wed May 03, 2017 12:34 pm

I replaced the white reverse globes with LED ones a while back and they work fine, does the interference come at night when the lights are on an you're using CC?
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Re: LED Low and High beam

Postby lancerdarryl » Wed May 03, 2017 4:44 pm

Lancer1993 wrote:I replaced the white reverse globes with LED ones a while back and they work fine, does the interference come at night when the lights are on an you're using CC?

No,reversing lights are not the problem.If you have LED globes in the tail lights the car reads them as a blown globe ie no resistance so then the cruise control doesn't work.If you have LED globes in the indicators the car reads them as a blown globe and this causes them to flash way too fast.( if ever you have had a blown indicator globe in another car you would have noticed flashing faster than normal).
So,you need the resistors in line to make the car think it has normal incandescent globes.LED globes have no or very little resistance and incandescent globes have resistance due to the filament in the globe.
Hope this helps.
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Re: LED Low and High beam

Postby Lancer1993 » Wed May 03, 2017 4:53 pm

Yes that explains it, I had heard some of the replacement tail lights that have built in LED suffered this problem.

Okay I have LEDs in the front parker lights, not had an issue, shouldn't it suffer the same problem?
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Re: LED Low and High beam

Postby lancerdarryl » Wed May 03, 2017 5:30 pm

Lancer1993 wrote:Yes that explains it, I had heard some of the replacement tail lights that have built in LED suffered this problem.

Okay I have LEDs in the front parker lights, not had an issue, shouldn't it suffer the same problem?

No,it's only the tail lights that cause any problems.
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Re: LED Low and High beam

Postby Kibbles » Tue May 09, 2017 2:15 am

As someone who did a whole LED makeover in his CJ lancer, I would suggest against LED headlights for a few reasons.

1: They are not ADR approved. Thus can get you defected.

2: The light output is never as good as it advertises. I've tried a bunch of different led types, shapes and lumen count from 8,000lm up to a whoopping 20,000 lumen. I've found that the whitest halogen globes give out a better, brighter and more consistent light pattern than LEDs. and as apposed to a halogen globe which outputs 360 degrees of light. those LED globes certainly don't because they generally only have 2 sides emitting light. Also the light from the LEDS don't travel as far as the halogen globes, even if within a projector.

3: Because of the heatsink on the back of the LED headlights, often they wont fit in to the space behind the CJ's headlights. there are many that do, but there are many that don't. Plus you don't want any cables you may have in your engine bay melting from the heatsinks.

You'd be better off investing in the whitest halogen globes. These LEDs are alluring because of the cheaper price tag, but the technology just isn't there.

LED break globes/indicators/parkers are all fine though because you're not using those to throw light forward and illuminate the road ahead.
That's just my 2 cents and experience.

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Re: LED Low and High beam

Postby burfadel » Tue May 09, 2017 6:37 pm

For headlights don't get ones that are too blue. If you go too blue you will get defected anyway, but many of those ultra-white lights have a blue tinge. Keep in mind that you will be using your headlights at night, and blue light at night is actually bad for you (google it!). Ideally you would use a slightly warm white light. The blue-light also applies around the house, if you have any blue/white globes installed I would recommend changing them for a warmer light.
I might add a pic of my car once I style the exterior a bit :).

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Re: LED Low and High beam

Postby sarusa » Wed May 10, 2017 12:37 pm

All my lights are stock standard work great no problems. Last time I had a blown glob was more then 10 years ago.

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Re: LED Low and High beam

Postby sarusa » Thu May 11, 2017 11:25 am

Haven't considered fitting LEDs yet but found this thread, fascinating and full of useful information.

Congratulations to those that contributed all that useful info: Lets see a lot more threads like this along with those that already are!! :D

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