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Dash and trim light installation

HID's, Bulb's + LED Interior and Exterior Illumination.

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Dash and trim light installation

Postby Ronan.Butler11 » Sun Nov 20, 2016 8:54 pm

Hey guys, own a '09 vrx sportback and for a while ive wanted to change the dash, climate and sat nav lights from that crappy orange to something like an arctic white. never done any electrical work on a car, thinking the best bet is for a pro to do it, Does anyone know of a good place around 2155?
"When I Grow Up, I Wanna Be An Evo! (9 MR with a filthy BOV)

'09 Lancer VRX
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Re: Dash and trim light installation

Postby Lancer1993 » Mon Nov 21, 2016 7:29 am

Not sure if there is a place to do this, its more a DIY if you have the talent.

The dash (assume you mean the red between the speedo and RMP) can be changed by getting a newer colored cluster, well worth the mod IMHO cost will vary but look at paying about $200 for the cluster then someone to change the odometer reading to match.

AC controls are harder as it means soldering stuff so you really need to know your stuff.

Sat Nav is the same deal unless you get an after market HU like I did, I can change the 'button' colors anytime I like.

Hope this helps.
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Re: Dash and trim light installation

Postby Ronan.Butler11 » Mon Nov 21, 2016 8:16 am

Cheers bro, i saw some people got a cluster from an ASX or something an got the kms fixed. im keen for that but like you said, not the best guy to solder out there hahahaha
"When I Grow Up, I Wanna Be An Evo! (9 MR with a filthy BOV)

'09 Lancer VRX
De-Res Then a 2.5" Dual Exit X-Force Axle back Exhaust
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Re: Dash and trim light installation

Postby Dannn » Mon Nov 21, 2016 10:20 am

You could ask any autolec if they'd do it, you could ask at electronics store (jaycar and the likes) if they could or know of anyone who would.

Like Craig said, its basic soldering but fiddly as hell. I went to do the cluster recolour only to find that my old cluster is nothing like the one in the DIY on this forum, after i had pulled it apart...

I have the led's required to recolour the ac panels and cluster but at the moment it's just trying to find time to do it.

Good luck!

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Re: Dash and trim light installation

Postby Skrallex » Mon Nov 21, 2016 2:03 pm

Yeah, if you haven't done any PCB soldering before (and this will all be surface mount too, probs not any through-hole, which is easier), then I wouldn't attempt it yourself without a lot of practice beforehand. A tiny mistake and you can mess up the whole component. Definitely gonna need a solder extractor too if you are determined to do it, as you need to desolder existing LEDs then solder in the new ones.

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