I own an Evo and I still voted RA, based entirely on the fact that you are moving to the US and said DD... As much as I love the Evo, if I was looking for a DD Only car I would have gone with the RA, Bigger fuel tank, better economy, the ability to lower the back seats (Needed more often then you think) bigger boot, better turning circle and a lot more comfortable while falling asleep in slow moving traffic.
I have a Mazda 3 as a DD for going to and from work (4 days out of 5 on average) and as much as I love the 1 day a week I dive to work, I can tell you now I would get sick of it after a while lol.
That all said, I see this question asked a lot (should I get Evo or RA) and I don't think we can really answer that question for you. It really depends on what you want, if you want to know weather the evo is worth the extra 10k (Pretty sure its more then that lol) then, hell yes, if not just for the SAWC alone, but is it a better car then the RA for DD, nope, Is it a better car in general? That is a debate I am not willing to start lol.
Go and test drive them both if you can, give them a good try, not just a trip around the block. If you think you can live with the harshness of the evo, that would be my vote, if you will be in the car a lot, the RA might be the way to go.