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[Official] Friday 7th June Meet (PM)
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- jonno2012es
- Lancer VRX/GTS
- Posts: 302
- Joined: Sun Apr 29, 2012 4:27 pm
- Location: Brisbane Australia
anghel132 wrote:Just as a heads up. These two ladies will be coming to... accentuate.. our cars. So clean up, buff up, shine up.. and let me know if they can sit on your hood or not on the night . [img:2392e50056]https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/254965_218813991583854_1180867756_n.jpg[/img:2392e50056][img:2392e50056]https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/179967_583482061686753_780325779_n.jpg[/img:2392e50056]
Can't sit on my hood, as its aluminium... but they can stand and stick out of the sunroof with me in between
AK 3" Single tip exhaust | 18x9 CST Zero 1 Hyper wheels |BC-BR Coilovers | UR UICP | Synapse DV | 3-pod A-Pillar | Adj. rear camber & toe arms | AK Aluminium undertray
Jonno, you better come!! where you been?!
Eddie... Bonnet, roof, boot, hell they can even stand on my damn car if they feel game... I cant "buff up or shine up" tho... bahaha
Eddie... Bonnet, roof, boot, hell they can even stand on my damn car if they feel game... I cant "buff up or shine up" tho... bahaha
Sold the Pulsar, Bought a 98 CE MR lancer, sold that and bought a 97 CE MR Lancer
Sold my Volvo 850r Turbo Wagon
Still haven't bought a CJ
Sold my Volvo 850r Turbo Wagon
Still haven't bought a CJ
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