bunnishiwa wrote:Not very exciting but got my T-Bolt clamps for my UICP today [img:c1f649b7ec]http://www.clubcj.net/cached_images/1368514299_7_IS_1107_0.jpg[/img:c1f649b7ec]
where did you get these from?
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bunnishiwa wrote:Not very exciting but got my T-Bolt clamps for my UICP today [img:c1f649b7ec]http://www.clubcj.net/cached_images/1368514299_7_IS_1107_0.jpg[/img:c1f649b7ec]
anghel132 wrote:[img]2b6b4bdd4d]https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/933995_549588911753904_861424266_n.jpg[/img:2b6b4bdd4d[/img] OH YEAH BABY. Custom Badges Arrived. A bit pricey. But very happy with the service and the product. Its light as heck! Plastic rather than metal (I think) But it gleams like metal badges.
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