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merlin tune

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Postby rokpapaziz » Thu Nov 22, 2012 10:31 am

Aftermarket boost pills and the stock pills are completely different. Aftermarket boost pills are NOT all the same. They can differ from manufacturer

Black_Art the only reason I suggest the boost pill is because the stock pill limits the ability for Merlin to tune the boost.

The boost pill gives him a finer degree of tuning, plus you will get a lot more from the boost pill than without. It is your money so you can decide.

In this pic, stock pill is on the left (down the bottom) UR boost pill is on the right

Latino_Ralliart wrote:I was under the impression the aftermarket boost pill is idential to the OEM one. So aesthetically no difference but obviously it is modified to provide more power and better tuning.
Last edited by rokpapaziz on Thu Nov 22, 2012 10:33 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Latino_Ralliart » Thu Nov 22, 2012 10:32 am

SEB15 wrote:[color=red:0102b81cb4]Also bare in mind when you have to return the car to stock tune ( for dealer servicing) you will have to take out the boost pill and put back the stock pill as well! A boost pill with a stock tune can create internal damage to the engine [/color:0102b81cb4]

Your going in to get a simple service............ Why will you have to take everything off?

The service department of my local Mitsubishi is so busy I doubt they have the time to detect tunes etc.

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Postby Latino_Ralliart » Thu Nov 22, 2012 11:26 am

Tell us all how it goes.

You should also look into lowering the car also. The standard stance is 4WDesque.

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Postby merlin » Thu Nov 22, 2012 11:28 am

If you are going to a dealer for servicing and want to keep life simple, go for a revised boost pill. Any pill with a bore hole size smaller than stock will give more boost when tuned.

The pills I use I machined myself and have a 0.7mm hole, which is a bit smaller than those I have seen from US suppliers and a lot smaller than stock. This just gives it a bit more boost tuning range.

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Postby Beeble » Thu Nov 22, 2012 12:31 pm

IMO a lot of the US boost pills do didly squat. the boost increase almost isn't worth the hassle of installing it.
But it sounds like MerlinMade pills would fare much better.
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