This may be a silly question but,
Never been to a drag race or know how they work? All I know is you race down a straight against someone else.
But can someone tell me with drag races do you get put against other vehicles that like yourse or is it just who ever you go against with that's has a car x3 faster then you?
There are 4 staging lanes, you queue up and if you want to race someone line up behind them. The first 2 cars in each lane race each other. So you can control who u race.
Last edited by rokpapaziz on Thu Oct 18, 2012 5:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
its just a time trial.
if u ask the starter u can run down the strip with a special friend to try to beat them but usually you`re just trying to beat your personal best in a race against the clock.
theres plenty of other stock NA`s in the club that`ve been down the quarter, i`m not sure if any times were recorded here though.
i remember 13EZY getting something like 15.3 one night, maybe another qlander can remember the exact figure?
andrew? daniel?