well to get to the point i've been surfing youtube alot for DIY's and how-tos for all types of CJ stuff but 90% of the time i dont find anything worth my time expect for the great video's Tadz makes on his Channel

But i thought... why not make a YouTube channel where i put up everything i do to my car (I've had a few people asking me how i've done stuff), each Mod, and how i did it whether is a simple Dome light to wrapping my interior in carbon vinyl. It will be myself, Tim (timmo91) doing the main video's and hopefully a few other's around my area if they wish to get things done.
A channel for all CJ Lancer Installs.
So here is is so far, CJLancerInstalls

Let me know your opinions on this as i'd love support from members and the club too.