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Postby ofey » Tue Oct 19, 2010 10:18 pm

I do believe we will try to come up with a better voting scheme.

The numbers thing isn't quite a fair point as we've been culling that. There are many people here for e.g. with multiple accounts. Furthermore there are quite a number of inactive accounts with less than 5 posts. I don't think it's a fair number to consider. We also have many people with MULTIPLE accounts. A more realistic judge is the number logging on each day.

Based on the stats today only 234 people visited this site today.
And only 78 logged on i.e. registered users a day.

So with 156 premium or the 40 or so voting, I think that's about 50% of the total visitors and total logged on per day.

As I said, it's apathy from the premium membership base. It's unfortunate but a fact of our recent elections.

I don't think you're entitled to see votes from company AGMs either. If you're not a shareholder, you don't even know what the voting entails and a non-shareholder has no ability to sway votes. So I guess it's a reflection of real life.

I don't think voting from non-shareholders presents very much democracy either. We could get our friends and family simply to register accounts here and then vote on our behalf. There's little or no control there either.

We will need to carefully consider a better voting scheme to give valued members like yourself who don't want to be premium a say in this club and its activities.
Beeble tooned MY08 OEd. w/ RA BKit+SWheel
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Postby MitsuLove » Tue Oct 19, 2010 10:26 pm

+1 Matt, completely agree.

And Jake, stop stirring, what you said is perfectly fine and you know it :P

That said, i do understand ofey's point that they had to draw a line somewhere, and that you can't make everyone happy. I just think full exclusion from elections went too far. It wouldn't have hurt to keep all members informed throughout the process. It's not as if only paid members of Collingwood got to watch their team win the grand final...oh geez, *cough* *choke*, ouch... i'm an Essendon member (yes paid member!) ofey. lol. :wink:

I'm sure all us non-premiums appreciate that we can't have it both ways to some extent though, and good on you ofey for conceding there is room to improve the voting process :) I don't necesarily think it is always a case of "not wanting" to be premium though. There can be many reasons why an otherwise active member hasn't paid up.

Anyway, what's done is done, when things settle down us non-premiums can make our judgements on whether the voters got it right.

On a different subject, doesn't look like i'll be able to make the cruise. I'll be having a big Sat night so fairly likely i won't be in any fit state to drive on Sunday. Have fun all those who can make it, hopefully i'll catch you at the next one :)

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Postby Dire » Tue Oct 19, 2010 11:04 pm

Theres always a lack of communication here... A new example being how some people seem to have known about whats wrong with the mobile site but nobody bothered to say it in the thread.

There could've been a billboard showing candidates and their votes or something. But as far as I know only Mattigins can make things like that happen? If hes going to be important he needs to be around.

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Postby ofey » Tue Oct 19, 2010 11:05 pm

MitsuLove: Actually it does. i mean paid members get to watch the grand final live. If not for the replay, only paid up members get to ballot for a ticket to the GF.

Sure you get to watch on tv but that's because some TV station has paid for the rights for it which in turn was paid for by advertising but I digress.

Still me watching at home, my screaming and shouting at the telly doesn't affect the result since the players can't hear me. So a parallel in a way with how a non-paid up member doesn't and shouldn't have the ability to affect the result.

As for reasons to being a paid up premium member, I agree, there are many reasons for it. I don't think admin has ever questioned these reasons but on the flip side many non-paid up members have constantly asked why they aren't given more privileges.

I don't think you can judge the voters. You can only judge the people appointed. Everyone can join. We don't discriminate against people, so you can't say we've biased ourselves to one group of premium members.

A better scheme will have to be formulated next time that much I agree and I will ensure i remind this Comm that we will plan sooner and also consider the non-premium membership base.
Beeble tooned MY08 OEd. w/ RA BKit+SWheel

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Postby MitsuLove » Tue Oct 19, 2010 11:33 pm

I actually agree with the voting by only premium members ofey, that's fine. There has to be some benefit to becoming premium over not. Probably should have specified my stance on that earlier, my bad... :)

My only disagreement was with the background discussions being hidden from non-premium, and to a lesser extent the vote count and nominations etc. We were completely in the dark as to what was going on behind the scenes, and i don't think that was entirely fair. It's still our club too, regardless of our current status. We may not have the right to influence the outcome, but at least let us see what went on.

Anyway, just thought i would clarify that. All good.

So anywhoo...washed my car today, it's finally getting the paint protection reapplied tomorrow. If all goes to plan it'll also get a mechanical polish etc. beforehand. Damn swirl marks on black paint...*cries*. Hope they do a better job with the PP this time, i'm too lazy to polish my car regularly. lol.

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Postby Itachi » Wed Oct 20, 2010 12:56 am

At first I was trying to follow the elections and was frustrated that they took up all the space on the recent threads and I couldn't see them (which has now been fixed by having the news section up top :)) But then I just got over it because like a company I am too far removed from the leadership group to really have any idea who is worthy of a vote so Id rather leave it up to those in the know. I like the idea of people who have contributed to the club with time and knowledge being allowed a vote but practicality makes that hard. I guess the only suggestion I have is to post the results somewhere we can see them. To follow your anecdote ofey, when the Collingwood board decide whether or not to drop a player they will let everyone know, not just the board or paid up members. In terms of CCJ it would just be nice to know who is on the new committee so we know who we are talking to (especially seeing as the avatar badges are not up to date).

So to other news... Good luck with the PP Laura, I only saw your car at night so it looked pretty good to me :P

Also does anyone (who will be at the cruise) have any sikaflex (I think thats what its called) or some other waterproof silicon to spare? If so bring it along and I'll buy some off you. I need to attach my chrome fog light rings and apparently its best to put some of that on to help the tape survive the test of time.
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Postby Leez » Wed Oct 20, 2010 6:26 pm

I don't have any waterproof silicon, but I have some outdoor double sided tape? I think it's like 3M but it's a whole lot easier to find.

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Postby Dire » Wed Oct 20, 2010 6:30 pm

3M tape ftw. My grille neons are held on just by that.

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Postby Graham » Wed Oct 20, 2010 9:02 pm

3M tape is pretty good stuff as long as conditions stay pretty normal it'll stick for ages :)

took the bike out for another ride today, went from Thornlie to vic park & back to get a new rear tyre as the old one had a nail in it

on the way there i stalled it twice at traffic lights :(
on the way back another 3 times at lights....
so embarrassing!

it's kinda hard to get used to because on this bike the revs need to be at 3-4k+ or it'll just stall :S but I'm learning and it's good fun :) had the bike for 7 days now lol
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Postby bd-850 » Wed Oct 20, 2010 9:06 pm

Graham, what bike you got and how long you been riding?

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Postby Graham » Thu Oct 21, 2010 7:11 pm

I have an Aprilia RS125 and I've been riding for 7 days :P

EDIT: added Pic

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Postby Graham » Thu Oct 21, 2010 7:13 pm

I had a flat tyre yesterday too! went for a small hills run on Tuesday afternoon on the way back from the shops and I ran over something and it made a loud noise, pulled over and checked, seemed fine.. next morning it's flat!

Got it plugged up today though so it's all good again! not having much luck with tyres at the moment
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Postby bd-850 » Thu Oct 21, 2010 7:30 pm

Graham wrote:I have an Aprilia RS125 and I've been riding for 7 days :P

EDIT: added Pic


FRIGGIN SWEET, Love the sound of the Aprilias,

been riding one week Tomorrow
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Postby Graham » Thu Oct 21, 2010 7:33 pm

yeah they sound amazing hey! sooo loud and smokey and smelly lol, good old 2 stroke engines :P

im kinda scared when it gets above 7-8k rpm because the powerband kicks in, but it's fun :)

ooh nice, Learners too? (I'm assuming because of plate in pic :P)

I'll probably go for something with a bit of power, but not heaps of power when im on my opens, if i like riding after a year that is :)
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Postby bd-850 » Thu Oct 21, 2010 7:39 pm

haha yeah im the same boat, just seeing if i like riding, i am lucky coz the bike is dads so i didnt have to pay for it.

one good thing is, because im 25 i have Ls for 3 months then go to Green Ps for a year then fulls :D:D

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