Well as I've mentioned in a few other threads I change my own oil every 7,500km. Took the wife's Lancer in to get its 60,000km service today and was quoted $200. We explained that the oil and filter had only been changed a couple of days ago and asked if they could leave it alone. When we returned to pay the bill I was surprised to see it only came to $80. The dealership here advised that apart from a few system checks and inspections the only other part of the service was the oil change which took up most of the overall cost due to the labour, but seeing as it was only done they only charged me for the inspection, which included a reflash of the ECU (it's a CH with the drive by wire fault).
So there you go, spending $60 on oil and a filter and a bit of time saved me $120 at the service department. Very happy.
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$80 Service
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