I've wanted to do this for a while but never got around to it, but finally one day I was bored at work so I ordered some LEDs to play around with. Specifically they're flat, probably a bit easier to work with than standard LEDs.
I bought 10 of these LEDs
I've only done the four main aircon ducts at this stage just to test it out, I did it today so I'll see how it goes driving at night and making sure they arent too distracting, I plan on doing the other two aircon ducts on the dash and the speakers, POSSIBLY the tweeters, I don't think tweeters will work that well though, but we'll see.
anyway here's a pic for you all, more pics can be found on my progress page..
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Ricing it up one LED at a time...
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Ricing it up one LED at a time...
Four wheels move the body, two wheels move the soul.
Daily Driver: Yamaha R1
Weekend Warrior: BMW Z4 Roadster
Daily Driver: Yamaha R1
Weekend Warrior: BMW Z4 Roadster
Nar pillars are fine, change them and you have to change the sun visors etcetc. Though the sun visors suck with the warnings on them.
Just one Q for anyone.... Do you find the dash always goes back together as good as it was or do you get some uneven spaces?
And graham its an overseas company right? How much was postage?
Immediate edit: It says $4.20 at the top of the website
Nar pillars are fine, change them and you have to change the sun visors etcetc. Though the sun visors suck with the warnings on them.
Just one Q for anyone.... Do you find the dash always goes back together as good as it was or do you get some uneven spaces?
And graham its an overseas company right? How much was postage?
Immediate edit: It says $4.20 at the top of the website
Postage is just $4.20 for USA it might be more to aus but i cant remember I'd need to check the invoice
Thanks guys, Yeah I've thought about doing the A pillars black paint or even wrapped in carbon fibre but I kind of don't want to paint them, I've wrapped one in black suede but it was a fail so I took it out.
I may need to paint it one day I think..
Thanks guys, Yeah I've thought about doing the A pillars black paint or even wrapped in carbon fibre but I kind of don't want to paint them, I've wrapped one in black suede but it was a fail so I took it out.
I may need to paint it one day I think..
Four wheels move the body, two wheels move the soul.
Daily Driver: Yamaha R1
Weekend Warrior: BMW Z4 Roadster
Daily Driver: Yamaha R1
Weekend Warrior: BMW Z4 Roadster
Graham wrote:Postage is just $4.20 for USA it might be more to aus but i cant remember I'd need to check the invoice
Thanks guys, Yeah I've thought about doing the A pillars black paint or even wrapped in carbon fibre but I kind of don't want to paint them, I've wrapped one in black suede but it was a fail so I took it out.
I may need to paint it one day I think..
if you go to rexspeed they sell CF A pillars
Did the two front speakers & two tweeters (left door on Friday and right door just then )
Will take pics tonight if I remember and post them up..
The top 2 vents aren't going to be possible to do though
Will take pics tonight if I remember and post them up..
The top 2 vents aren't going to be possible to do though
Four wheels move the body, two wheels move the soul.
Daily Driver: Yamaha R1
Weekend Warrior: BMW Z4 Roadster
Daily Driver: Yamaha R1
Weekend Warrior: BMW Z4 Roadster
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