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What to do with car deal turned sour?

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 10:24 pm
Hi Guys,

I posted sometime last week on here how I thought the dealer was trying to go a shifty way with some of the accessories that were going to be fitted onto our new car. Now, I think the situation as escalated into a new level.

I've just been told that the 'MY12' car, which is actually a 'MY11' doesn't fit the 'MY11' fog-lights that they have. So, they are asking me to take the car without the fog-lights and they'll fit it on the first service. According to them "this mismatch is something Mitsubishi Australia needs to resolve" – THE HECK? If the parts aren't available for a car, don't sell it! We aren't going to drive away with out the foglights this because the exact same thing happened to a car we bought several years ago (ironically, same dealership) and eventually they were saying things like 'dont worry about that accessory, we'll give you free fuel to make up for it blahblah'

Not only are they passing up an different year car than what was promised, the accessories added are not to description (door handles are covers instead of actual handles, foglights are mismatched etc.)

This has become a real head do-er for everyone involved. I'm sizing up my position to make get it cancelled. I've read through the contract and it says that if the car isn't ready in 14 days of the dealer's ETA – we can terminate the contract. Now, they verbally said it would be ready in 2 weeks (it's been nearly 4 weeks now) but the put down 'ASAP' on the contract. The rep got aggressive when I spoke to him today by saying "it doesn't matter, we can keep this on hold for 6 months if that's we need to get all the parts". Surely, this cannot be? I wouldn't mind even waiting 5-6weeks to get a new car but just that they have been completely unprofessional and arrogant about it that I just cannot give them any leverage.

What do you guys think we should do? because this has become a complete joke. I would much rather terminate this contract and walk away with my deposit than actual go through with the purcahse. We are contemplating raising this with consumer affairs too and perhaps writing to Mitsubishi directly (if that's going to make any impact).

Sorry for the long thread btw :/

Shortened Version:
- New car has no ETA/timeframe for when it till be ready, just "whenever"
- Dealer is dragging on with excuses to extend delivery to fit a '2011' accessory which apparently doesn't fit the '2012' car.
- Just sick and tired of this and if the car isn't ready soon, we are seeing if we are in a position to get a refund on the deposit.

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 10:47 pm
by quachj
sorry about the news man if this was me i would cancel it and demand my deposit back, its a load of sh*t how they are treating you guys u buy a MY2012 car and end up with a 2011 and still not here yet either.

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 12:45 am
by Dire
If they truely said to you it was a MY12 and it isn't, that would be enough to get out of the deal.
When I bought my car I was given a clear contract that said what I'm getting including extras blahblah even down to the $50 fuel that was coming with it. If it doesn't match what they're giving you, they have no hold over you.

They can't substitute agreed extras for other things either (unless you agree to it). Say they agreed to give you something as cheap as floor matts but they don't have any and won't get you any, even that should be enough to get out of the deal.

Don't stick with it because you think you should, if you want out then get out NOW.

If they refuse then contact Mitsubishi Australia and consumer affairs or whatever its called. If the dealership is part of a chain you could try contacting the owner as well (usually the guy they're named after lol). Contact them all at once, no point waiting for each one to reply before you contact another.

Also if it says 'within 14 days of the dealer's ETA', and they said 14 days, then thats 28 days. If its been 28 days thats another way you have an out.

Make sure you have your story very clear before you contact anybody though. If you change you story at all that won't help.

It sounds like even if they came good and gave you everything you wanted, they don't deserve your business.
Also I think a naming and shaming is in order.
Best of luck.

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 6:39 am
by Gleno
Sorry to hear you have gone trough dramas with this particular dealer, if it were me, and your able to cancel the contract now, i would go ahead and cancel and look elsewhere.

I get fed up with dealers trying to rip people off.

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 8:13 am
by SXLancerMum
First go to the Dealer Principal and ask what's going on. Then if he can't, or won't do anything, contact Mitsubishi Australia and complain.

If they can't supply it as ordered then you have every right to get your money back and go somewhere that can. Fair Trading can help you with that.

Good luck mate.

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 12:43 pm
by debonaire
From the time I spent in selling cars, my experience is that if someone wanted to get out of a deal, usually you just let them because otherwise you end up with this type of nasty situation and it all ends bad.

Like others have said, if they told you it would be a MY12 and its not, thats more than enough for you to pull out. If they are going to be arseholes and won't refund you, just call Mitsubishi and tell them whats going on. They will soon straighten the dealer out, and for the love of God don't go back a 3rd time!

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 1:46 pm
by BR14AN
Im with all the other guys.
Take it to the people above the person your dealing with and if that doesnt work out, just walk away.

FT86 comes out next year ;)

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 2:04 pm
by aspir3
Write a letter to your dealer or email your demands on a deal. If they are not met then walk away. I did this when purchasing my Corolla. I ended up with $1000 off the deal in total by standing my ground. Do not pick up the car and then argue as you will lose.

Record all your document's and conversations from now on and don't be scared to involve Mitsubishi Australia.

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 6:15 am
Well after a few phone calls, they somehow managed to get the foggies within 6 hours - couriered and even fitted onto my car.

I'm sure Mitsubishi Australia "resolved" the problem, had them manufactured, imported and fitted onto my car all in 12 hours...

Anyways, they asked me to come see the car because it was ready - yesterday. We went and had a look, got inside fired up all the electronics too and spent about 45 minutes looking over it. Everything seems in place (couldn't verify if it was a MY11/MY12 - anyone know how? I looked at the little sticker next to the driver's seat but this wasn't indicative..)

Also, what's the warranty on accessories fitted by the dealer? Is this dealer-specific or Mitsubishi standard? I only managed to find this on the Mitsubishi website: ... rranty.pdf - which says there's a 12 month warranty period?

The car looks as expected apart from the chrome handles.. but I guess we'll just have bite the bullet and go with this.

PS: Does anyone know if SAT NAV/Touch Screen comes standard in a "MY12" Lancer ACTiV? There was an identical ACTiV next to ours in the garage of the dealer. It looked stock visually, without anything fancy and we looked inside and there was a touchscreen/sat nav. I guess I'm just being paranoid now, thinking they pulled out a part I wouldn't notice (well I wouldn't know should be there) simply because the nature of the deal ><

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 8:47 am
by Chubb
no to a $2500 satnav being standard on a $21,000 car.

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 9:24 am
Yeah thought so. Thanks!
BTW is the $21,000 for a MY12 ACTiV confirmed? I'm assuming that's drive-away for a stock manual?

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 9:26 am
by Chubb
umm not totally sure mate I thought it was around that figure. honestly if you are tempted by the MMCS take it from someone who has one, spend the money on an aftermarket one. It is a good unit but not the best you can have for the same money.

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 10:29 am
by brent0013
find a new dealer if ur still having problems i went to brisbane to get my car

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 1:20 pm
by debonaire
Genuine accessories fitted to your car at delivery are covered for 3 years/130,000km as it says in that link. It will also detail all of the warranty information in the vehicle manual. This is from MMAL, not the dealer.

Glad to hear it all got sorted out, make sure you tell them not to bother showing you where service is during delivery, cause you'll take you car elsewhere :P

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 1:51 pm
by Dire
The badge in the door says the month and year it was made as well as its compliance and vehicle number.
Mines a MY10 but was built in September 09 I think. I'll help more later when I'm home if nobody else has :P