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Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 4:25 pm
by Metalstrix
I don't live down there, but I can assume that they're closing down if there's no cars there :O

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 4:52 pm
by belle_tb_ES
Maybe they moved to a larger place close by?
Or are refurbishing??

Their website isn't even working

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 7:31 pm
by Wlober
I assume you didn't go ahead with that service.

Ripponlea had their franchise yanked off them in February. They actually haven't had a new car on the premises since September of 2012. The signage has come down by order of the courts in the last few weeks.. Mits eventually got off their behinds to take care of business. Just do a dealer search on the website and you'll see they aren't there.

They are trying to con people that their services are the same as genuine, but it's not. Far from it. Only the cheapest is used.

If you'd like to learn more about them just turn up to the Supreme court on the 17th of July. You'll be able to see the second installment of this: ... c14690d110

You can't have cars on the property to sell if you don't have an LMCT. Type in the name and you'll see it's suspended.

Just put some additional info on the next page of this thread for anyone thinking of getting their car serviced there.

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 10:12 am
by Metalstrix
That's pretty bad

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 11:57 am
by belle_tb_ES
I would have thought you had capped price servicing? Unless your car is pre feb 2009 I think

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 12:59 pm
by citris.87
This almost makes Pickering's look good... Bad luck mate, might be an idea to give someone at MMAL a call and ask, I know when there was no Mitsubishi in Ayr, a guy there was given permission to get warranty work done threw a local mechanic, and Mitsubishi covered the cost. I am not sure of who exactly he called tho, look on the mitsu site I guess.

If there is one close by they may make you drive for 30-60mins to take it in to the closest one.

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 1:02 pm
by belle_tb_ES
Isn't it available at any Mitsubishi?
I wouldn't know....I missed out on it :p

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 5:46 pm
by Wlober
Yonnee wrote:I know were going to have buckleys chance of having our 5 year extended warranty honoured by MMA, but fortunately, its still under its Factory 5 year warranty til October 2014, so I just have to find a dealer out our way (Dandy/Berwick/Frankston) to deal with the head unit. Any recommendations..??? And I still have to find somewhere to do the 90K service, as the vehicle is still under new car warranty, and a lease car...

Frankston has changed hands. They must've been doing some bad things before that because of the influx of cars to other dealerships. Penfolds Mitsubishi were doing dodgy things while they were shutting down in Burwood. Anyway, I'm sure Berwick or Dandy would be fine. You will be able to get caps price on your car.

Edit: I just read that yours is an 09. You'll have to talk to MMA about it.

MMA had damn well better do something to honour that 5 year used car warranty. The way they've handled the situation and the slow speed at which they have moved it is an absolute embarrassment to Mitsubishi. They should've acted last year. They haven't wanted to get their hands dirty and they have ruined their reputation in a lot of people eyes in the process. Their inactivity is partly to blame for this mess.

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 1:20 am
by squala
Man, it's really tough to find a solution to an agreement signed by a defunct dealership. Mitsubishi Australia ought to come into the picture and refer you to another place that will honour the cap pricing. But it seems that this is looking good so far, so hopefully it ends up well for you.

Is Brighton Mitsubishi in Nepean Highway nearer your place than Dandy?