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Install a new Battery

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Install a new Battery

Postby Tyson64 » Sat Aug 13, 2011 10:22 am

Hey Everyone, I just need some help with a new battery installation. Is it a straight forward disconnect Positive + then the Negative - or is it a put a connection on the Alternator Positive + and a Negative - Earth to keep the Electronics all up to date, as in there is a small backup battery for the Electronics... Cheers

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Postby aspir3 » Sat Aug 13, 2011 10:29 am

If you disconnect your battery you will loose all your cars memory like radio station and phone numbers in the MMCS.

If this does not bother you like most:
1. remove 2 battery clamps. This requires 10mm spanner. Once they are loose the hooks pull out.
2.Remove earth connector
3. remove the positive connector
4 remove battery. be careful as it may have acid on it . Wear gloves if you are worried.
5. fit new battery in.
6. connect positive battery connector
7 connect negative connector
8. connect battery clamps
9 spray connectors with a moisture guard spray
10. wash hands and any clothing that touched the battery.

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Postby aspir3 » Sat Aug 13, 2011 10:34 am

I forgot to add if you want to keep all your memories then you need to do all the above with having jumper leads connected to a 12v battery source and the terminals. You can do this but you just have to make sure they dont slip off. I did this and connected them to the new battery. The hard part is slipping the terminals back on with the leads on the battery. It is best to use a third battery if you have one available.

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Postby ofey » Sat Aug 13, 2011 10:46 am

Apparently you can buy a 9V battery tether off eBay which plugs into your ciggarette lighter socket and it will ensure your memory settings are kept. I have no concept of how this works but I've seen it at my local auto electrician.
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Postby Tyson64 » Sat Aug 13, 2011 10:47 am

Great thanks for that, I did do a search and checked every page of 'Maintenance' and 'How To's & DIY' but either missed it or I looked in the wrong section as usual, dopey me... Thanks again

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