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Which round about near you is a badly designed one

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 9:59 am
by Mitch
Which round about near you is a badly designed one and dangerous? I have one near where I live it is badly designed because there are 2 lanes on it both can exit while there are cars in the opposite lane trying to go straight ahead and the cars that are turning off cut those cars off. And another reason why it is also dangerous is the walls or plants are too high blocking vision for cars coming from the right before you enter. So as the question above who also has a badly/ dangerous designed round about near them

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 10:30 am
by dannyboi
A complaint should be made to the Council/Road Authority regarding the reduced sight distances. I've seen some where it was impossible to tell whether the car on the opposite lane was going straight or turning. They've since fixed it though.

The two lane scenario is where a left-turn signal for an exit would be handy.

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 10:32 am
by Slash
Roxbrough Park Rd round about use to be dangerous.. I believe they have upgraded it and fixed the issues that nearly killed me (passenger) and my mate some 16 years ago.

The round about back then was raised quite high 3+ inches from memory and on the exit the curb came in further to force sharp turns out.

The rear wheel hit the round about flicking the back end out.. before hitting curb on the exit and sending the car sideways into a power pole.

happened while doing approx 60kmph... speed limit back then.

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 10:32 am
by Mitch
Yeah no one does I wouldn't mind traffic lights at it though

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 10:38 am
by dannyboi
I don't know what that Roxbrough Park Rd one looks like, but it sounds like there should've been some kerb widening/islands and better placement of the roundabout to force people to slow down before entering it.

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 11:54 am
by Dire
Most of them.
Theres many small ones around here with fences that come up close to them so you have no visibility.
Theres a big one thats 2 lanes everywhere and people just don't know what to do (their fault, not the roundabout's).
And theres a small one with a pot hole that you can't see or avoid until its too late.

Many roundabouts aren't dangerous by themselves, but are simply too much for most driver's brains to comprehend (its a circle, which way do I indicate?!).

I frequently see:
People not indicating at all.
People indicating left before entering the roundabout when going straight.
People indicating right to go right but not indicating left when exiting.
People who fly up to the roundabout and then slam on their brakes (even worse, people who slam on their brakes when NOBODIES THERE).
People who speed up to get there before you.
People changing lanes while going around.
People who cut into your lane when going around (also true for 2-lane turning lanes).
People who just plain cut you off despite perfect visibility (always happens in one particular spot, and one particular lane near me. No idea why).
People who sit there waiting at 2 lane roundabouts for traffic in the lane they aren't entering.

I am guilty of being slack with my indicating (comes from driving at night with no traffic). However I always indicate if there is someone who I know will be waiting to see which way I'm going.

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 11:55 am
by Slash
Its all been fixed.. just google mapped it.
low round about, keep left islands are in and the curb kick on the exit is also gone.

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 11:11 pm
by exaltd
Fitzsimmons Lane/Williamsons Road onto Porter Street. Melbourne's worst roundabout?

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 11:15 pm
by The X
"5 ways" on Anzac Parade in Kensington, in fact NRMA call it the worst roundabout as it's the #1 for collissions. dual lane 5 entry point mega roundabout....

It should have traffic lights installed... because people just don't know when to enter...,1 ... d=20101230

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 11:23 pm
by Meaty
there's one in Brighton with train tracks through the middle of it ...... who puts a train through a roundabout .... taxi actually drove into the train tracks last week i think. plus there is two near me in skinny streets with house fences right up to the edges, i always slow right down as you can never tell if others will notice you or be flying through it as you get on.