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Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 6:32 pm
by liam92
Just wanted to wish any of the other highschool student CCJ members goodluck in their HSC!

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 6:34 pm
by Mitch
same here good luck on your HSCS guys

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 6:45 pm
by Envoke
Good luck! I did my HSC last year, biggest joke ever. I was one of the people that did nothing but i ended up with a 74.65 ATAR. Lucky :P

Not encouraging laziness but just saying that HSC is 10x easier than what schools tell you.

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 7:08 pm
by ofey
Good luck boys!!

What I've always told my students is:

Whether you study or not, time passes.
Whether you do well or not, the time was there for you to prepare.
Whether you continue climbing academically after HSC, the choice is yours regardless of your grades and its obvious that the better your grades, the more choices you have.

Give it a real go... You have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain!!

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 7:08 pm
by BR14AN
Bit of a downer but I'd just like to share my condolences with my girlfriends friend who commited suicide recently due to the stress the board of studies, teachers and her parents put upon her to excel.

I think they emphasize the importance of it too much, and there should be (and there are some) other ways of getting to uni and making a success out of yourself. That way you dont have to feel that if you dont get an ATAR of 80.56 or whatever that your then a failure in life, even though life has barely begun.

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 7:37 pm
by ofey
I think this stress for kids to do better is simply wrong.

A person is much more than IQ or their certificates.

However my underlying point still stands in that you should give it a right old crack. Better to have tried and failed than simply shrugging your shoulders and saying I'm stressed out by it, f**k it... .

That's apathy and I can never accept any of my friends or family going that way... .

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 8:18 pm
by liam92
My condolences Brian, I fully agree the HSC and the school put far too much pressure on us young folk to perform. This is only exemplified when you go to a private school demanding their reputation is upheld.

Im not overly worried, I would ideally get a 90. My subject choice might limit the possibility of that happening but so what.

At the end of the day I hate the idea that we can be ranked by a number, I know alot of people who are going to get a 98+ Atar that have absolutely no common sense or any life skills for that matter. On that basis alone I think using the ATAR system as a guide for employment or University admission is completely ludicrous in my book and not something worth stressing over. Ive tried hard and studied moderately well, what happens happens

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 8:23 pm
by BR14AN
Best of luck Liam! Im sure youll pwn it.

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 9:24 pm
by kinesis
Condolences Brian.

Nothing more needs to be said in regards to the stress some students go through.

Liam, all the best. Whatever result you get, you've come this far; there's a heck lot more of life ahead of you. :)

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 9:49 pm
by bye2u
goood ol hsc!

i remember reading signs around the classrooms..

failing to prepare is preparing to fail :D

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 10:26 pm
by jolly_tas
Can't find it now, but I did a psych essay for uni a couple of years ago that looked into the use of tests for academic potential v IQ.

Liam92 is right in what he said about people making high scores on a particular test but having little common sense or insight into other aspects. There needs to be a certain amount of testing across a varied range of subjects to fully evaluate one's aptitude. To pigeon hole students that are not in a higher percentile than other students as far as academic performance goes is a sure way of discouraging them from pursuing their chosen career or goal.

So much stress these days is placed on young people to succeed and many don't see failure as an option.

My condolences to Brian and his girlfriend for what they had to go through. As a nurse I am fully aware of the increase in suicide today. Too many people get wrapped up in their own lives and place their own standards onto those around them without a thought for individualism.

I believe encouragement and acceptance are two values that if taken seriously, and practiced, can make so much difference to the lives of many people - young and old. Think about it next time someone you know requires it and give it to them. I'm sure that you will notice a big difference a small contribution can make.

Sorry if I got off topic but it's just something that I'm a bit passionate about.

Best of luck with your tests guys and girls, and remember that you always have the potential to follow your dreams. This is coming from someone who failed science, never got my TCE (Tasmanian variant) but still managed to complete a BA at 36 years of age.

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 10:32 pm
by BR14AN
Well I never did my School Cert, and I didnt get an ATAR either and i'm at MQU doing psych >.<

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 10:37 pm
by jolly_tas
BR14AN wrote:Well I never did my School Cert, and I didnt get an ATAR either and i'm at MQU doing psych >.<

Nice work brother!

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 11:15 pm
by Nick07
If you don't do too well, there are that many ways to get into Uni anyways. I got in the 90's and just missed out on a scholarship. But I have some mates who didn't do TEE and still got into uni just 1 year later, go figure.

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 2:35 am
by Usif
Sorry To Hear Brian - We had a similar case; but this certain friend took 25+ nurofen tablets and went for walk to disguise it from his parents. . . From my experience, It's sad. . .Sad that he thought better to end now then to go on and see what lies ahead. . . Luckily we manage to find him at 2 AM - Took him hospital and still went for our exam that day... Explaining to the teachers why he couldn't attend...He was ashamed, but not dead; Thankfully...

& Too all HSC students - Best of luck. . . Don't hurt yourself over it... Study hard, try your best and stand by what you achieve, even if it may not be what you completely desired.

I failed horribly; & Am going Uni now, two years later... Not a big deal, It's never time wasted, & much can be achieved regardless... Life pans out, believe us all when we say that, Just have some faith and always hold onto your dreams, cause they are what will end up guiding you... With or without your parent's support push on to what you hold dearest and what you want to achieve, let nothing stop you.

Good Luck All!