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HWP and police encounters?

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2017 2:33 pm
by Ronan.Butler11
hey guys, just wondering if im the only one noticing a lot more 'assertion' by police on the road, while i was on my early red P's i had some absolute legends of police for thing such as RBT's and whatnot (No never been pulled over for anything illegal) but in a little over a year since im getting cracked down on real bad, car is still the same as my reds apart from the De-Res and sprayed emblems. Most recent was going to TAFE on a tuesday and got grilled because i was 'heavily accelerating', as i sat in 4th going up a large hill, at 60...

But to make light of the situation, anyone got any funny/weird/frustrating stories of police encounters?

Re: HWP and police encounters?

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2017 8:08 pm
by MiracleLancer
Havent been pulled over by highway patrol.

Got pulled over by an 2016 ES lancer.

And I had an RDT where the lady almost made me believe I tested positive.
Before she told me she was just messing around and to have a good day lol.

Re: HWP and police encounters?

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2017 8:07 am
by jjb
Never really had any issues when being pulled over by police..


I did get pulled over for an RBT, whilst on my Learners.. In the driving school car (And it was 0%! Haha)

Got pulled over in my Hilux one night by coppers, and they were really good. Think it was my catback which had gotten their attention.. Anyway, their breath tester wasn't working.. Whilst they were trying to get it to work, a HSV ute hooned past, and the guy said to his partner, "Should've gone for that one!"
They couldn't get the tester to work, but old mate said "You don't seem to be drunk, you're right to go"

Re: HWP and police encounters?

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2017 9:55 am
by bumblebee
The cops are usually pretty cool. If you act like a moron you will get their attention.
And if you talk like a moron to them you will get even more attention