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bye lancer

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 10:14 pm
by kay christensen

today i got T boned from doing a U turn bye my baby u will be missed i am okay just shaken and sore i could have walked Away alot worse but the side air bags stopped that

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 10:22 pm
by lantourismo
Glad your ok

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 10:31 pm
by VRX_08
I knew you would miss your baby, a real shame this had to happen! At least you are still here and walked away from the accident with minimal injuries and nothing broken! :)

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 10:37 pm
by kay christensen
it was my fault since i did a U turn and falied to give way to traffic did check blind spot 2 to 3 times but the sneaked in there u know how blind spots are even the cops said blind spots are a pain so i got fined for it

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 11:17 pm
by shamoo
Poor car and poor you. Best thing is that you're ok.
The smash looks pretty bad. Do you reckon its written off? Is the chassis damaged? If it us written off make sure you strip her first, especially grab the tail lights.
Sorry to hear you got a fine :( I was actually just talking about crashes last night-I smashed the work ute a few years ago however was lucky enough to get a warning.

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 11:24 pm
by kay christensen
it would be a write off etc shannon been told i would not beable to grab the tailights etc but i can try etc

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 11:26 pm
by shamoo
Bugga :(

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 9:19 am
by turbogirl
I'm glad your ok and your airbags did there job.

So sad :cry:

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 9:51 am
by Sven247
Im interested to know did the other person smash their car up?

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 10:21 am
by VRX_08
The other car which was an old EF or EL Falcon did have a quite a bit of damage when I arrived at the scene after the cars were moved off the road! The falcon mainly suffered damage to the front left after looking at the car briefly and what I could see on review of my dash cam!

When I arrived the falcon was leaking something, my guess was the radiator from where the impact occurred as it did break headlights and pushed the front bumper back due to the impact! To be honest though didn't pay a great deal of attention, Kayla and the other driver were more important!

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 10:26 am
by VRX_08
It caused the other drivers steering wheel airbag to go off also hitting the older guy in the chest causing him to be taken to hospital for X rays of his chest from what I heard, we heard later though he was fine just the airbag going off caused him a bit of pain!

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 10:31 am
by Sven247
Oh of cource they r more important, after having a private chat with kayla - she told me her status :)

I was just thinking about the damage afterwards... I know I wasn't there at the time, but wondering why the guy didn't brake wen he saw kayla do the u turn...

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 10:52 am
by VRX_08
The guy did try to brake after he saw her try to do a U turn but it was to late as she was across the road when they hit! Being an older car too it takes longer for a car without ABS etc. to pull up to a stop!