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HELP! Opinions plz Club cj Ultimate/permanent representation

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 12:38 pm
by besty
Hey guys.. Got some work ahead of me for my vrx, thinking of air-brushing my engine bay. But I want to do a solid colour with ( etc airbrushed into it before I do the clear coat. I've already rubbed it all back. Just after people's opinions/ permission. So far I'm thinking of putting (BESTY) signed on the fuse cover, ( across the radiator cover and something else on the R.A intake but I'm not sure what??

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 4:39 pm
by besty
And also what colours? I'm doing the main coat in a glittery red.. I was thinking all the airbrushing be white, as my car is black.. But I'm not sure..