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Accident... CJ vs CJ :(

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 11:01 am
by billyboy
Well just coming to terms after last night's ordeal. :x

There I was, in the right hand turn lane with green arrow & out of nowhere I hear a thud coming from the left side of the car.

I make the turn & pull over, car behind does also, get out & what do I see? yeah a Blue CJ Lancer Sportback ES, oh the irony!

This woman that was queued at red traffic light (straight only lane) decided she needed to turn right & didnt properly look for some reason & merged into me as was slipping past her.

Passenger door took the brunt of it, clearly see was her fault, I had no chance! So pissed off! Just rang insurance & sorting out with assessor this week.

Well I guess if your going to get hit, do it in style. Here's the pics, let me share my pain with you all. :cry:


Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 11:11 am
by spareparts
that hurts.... it could of been worse tho... it will be an easy fix and coz the car aint old they will colour match easy

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 11:14 am
by DavidAnthony
Damn sucks to be you at the moment. :(

These things happen though, were all going to get it sooner or later in our driving life time.
I still think they should make the driving exam harder to get your P's the way some people drive is unbelievable.
She should have kept going straight and turned at the next intersection.
Good luck with getting it sorted.

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 11:41 am
by Josh_Emerton
What the hell is that!!! Thats F***ED!!!
Thats fully illegal, if you'd have called the cops they'd have written her up a ticket, possibly several. Crossing a solid white line, driving with undue care and attention, negligent driving...i can make aLONG list..

Good luck with getting it sorted bud, damage sucks ass.

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 11:59 am
by billyboy
Well I did report it to the Police hotline & got an event no, they said they dont investigate unless cars are towed ppl injured or under the influence of some kind (how about stupidity?)

Well the woman claimed she didnt see my car as it was "black" she was blond by the way...

Yeah I guess the probably of it happening is pretty high, I'll get over it.

Has been a hell of a week, had 2 near misses both involving roundabouts, people just not giving way, woman in an Audi flew straight through head on doing 40k's+ while I was making a right turn, pulled up just in time or that would of been much serious.

Well it finally caught up with me.

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 12:10 pm
by Josh_Emerton
Dude. Get Off The Road. lmao it dont like you.

I know what you mean by those 'weeks', it seems like its all out to get you sometimes doesnt it.

As for coppers, that happened to my dad when he got Tboned up by mareeba (big desert area, T junction, NO WAY she didnt see him.) in his brand new Pajero (like, two weeks old, seriously).

Rather hilarious. They came out and did her in the end.

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 12:12 pm
by Josh_Emerton
btw, what was the damage to her car like?
out of a "its the same as my car, i kinda wanna know whatd happen if i f*** up" interest.

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 1:05 pm
by billyboy
Josh_Emerton wrote:btw, what was the damage to her car like?
out of a "its the same as my car, i kinda wanna know whatd happen if i f*** up" interest.

I clearly came off second best, most of the damage to me was from the edge of the headlight (parker area bulges out) you can see it on the pics.

Honestly you couldn't see much damage to her's, just scuff marks on right edge of bumper & looked a little popped out. Side of headlight fitting was scratched up & it may have shifted slightly.

I am starting to feel like a target for f&%kheads, think I should sell off the RA & get a dirty old Land Cruiser with a big f*%k off bull bar, ooh the fun I'll have. :wink:

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 2:47 pm
Oh man that sucks to see, hope it all gets died up for you ok

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 4:50 pm
by m1n1on
damnn... it's a real shame seeing another member's car damaged like that. Hope they fix it up nice and quickly!

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 5:05 pm
by M@verik
I had an accident too last year in october. Twaz a peugeot driver though lol. He rear ended me on a red robot. I had a relatively small ding, but his entire front section was compacted. And he was like 'Damn this car just got out of service' and then im like 'well I guess its going back in". Anyways just made his insurance pay out of their asses for a new bumper :)

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 5:34 pm
by spunkybob
It happens man... is she covering the damage? coz if not sue her.

Oh and this is what happened when the fck infront has no break lights.
Rest in pieces :P my little car.


Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 5:57 pm
by sicsid
I had an accident in my old car cause the l driver infront of me braked too suddenly, and i mean really suddenly, but apparently i was still at fault.
And haha maverick ive been away from south africa so long, i used to call traffic lights robots aswell.

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 6:26 pm
by tadz0rz
Sorry to see that man. Hope all goes well with insurance and everything

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 7:35 pm
by b3n87
thats a sad photo, though ratchet straps can do anything!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P