my car almost flooded today
Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 8:55 am
today in montgomery i was going to work and the parking lot at work had about 2" of water just sitting there. so i decided to park in a higher area. so it starts raining harder. it lasted for 3 hours. when it was all said and done the water was going half way up the side skirt. just to give you a idea of how much water was dropped. after the water drained out of course i stood in the dock to see how high it would have been on me. i'm 6'2"and it would have came up to my neck.i don't have any pics of my car. my wife told me about my car. i told her next time this happens to take my car because she parks on a big hill, but the first pic is of the loading dock and truck didn't see the drop off. the rest of the pics are of downtown montgomery. my wife should have more 2morrow. the news had said the was 7" - 10" of rain in 2-3 hours. where i'm at in montgomery was closer to the 10" mark