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Likelihood of getting fined?

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 9:18 pm
by tadz0rz
Hey guys

I was driving home tonight and pulled into a right turning lane and i realised once i had stopped that it wasnt the street that i needed to turn down and that the one i needed to turn down was further up the street, i checked and made sure it was clear before i pulled out but i pulled out into the middle of the intersection while light to go straight was still fully green and I have a feeling that the red light camera has flashed me for running a red turning light when in actual fact i was continuing straight.

i clearly indicated and made sure it was clear for me to pull out of the right turning lane and go into one of the left going straight lanes before I did anything but it still flashed

the only reason why im concerned about this is the fact that you are all aware that i have had issues with my license in the past and have in total acumulated 10 points in less than a 3 year period and if i get dicked for this it will push it over 12 and i will lose my license again.

if it comes in the mail that i got done for running a red turning light when i was actually going straight, what are the odds of me contesting this if i need to?

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 9:24 pm
by VRX_08
If you went over the line that goes across your lane that you need to stop behind and the arrow was red then you will most likely get fined as the camera thinks you are running the red arrow to turn right!

There is usually a sensor that runs across the lane just after the line you need to stop at! If you happen to go over the sensor this then activates the camera which will then take a picture of your car!

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 9:28 pm
by The X
In NSW they manually review the photos. Not sure about Vic. So you may not get one as technically you didn't turn right against the red right arrow.

I doubt they'd fine you for another offence instead, i.e. going against the lane marking (was the lane marked at right turn bay only?) as they're not police officers, just clerical staff reviewing the photos.

If you do get something in the mail you should contest and it would be a simple administrative review, the series of 3 (or 2) photos should show the sequence of events of you going over the magnetic loop trigger and the subsequent photo showing you in the intersection, which should show you in a position heading straight ahead with the green signal (for straight ahead).

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 9:30 pm
by Tong-sea
If the lane says right turn only, it means ur in deep trouble.

I remember when i took the driving test, the examiner told me to head straight but i ended up in the right turn only. I followed the road rule instead of her instruction to go straight ahead.

After the exam, i asked her if that was the right decision, she said it was but had i proceed straight, it means automatic fail. I reckon its the same as speeding. But then again, i could be wrong. :)

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 9:34 pm
by Nick07
It's illegal to change lanes in the middle of an intersection. So if the photos show that, you may also be fined for that.

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 9:34 pm
by tadz0rz
the lane was marked a turn right only but i made sure i clearly indicated before pulling out of the turning lane. Plus when it did flash me i was already into the other going straight lane, so it wasnt like i just fully crossed over the turning lane lines and then changed lanes, i was almost on full lock before i even took off because i was waiting for a taxi to pass me

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 9:41 pm
by tadz0rz
gahhhh, i really hope this thing doesnt come in the mail because i dont want to have to go through all the drama of contesting it as im starting a new job soon as well.

i understand why the camera flashed me but i dont really know how i can contest it just by saying, i didnt mean to be in that lane so changed out of it.

if it does come in the mail ill guess ill just have to get the pictures and take it from there. Gahhhhhh i cant believe this is happening right now, if i lose my license over this im clearly not meant to be allowed on the road, even if im not an idiot

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 9:42 pm
by Tong-sea
If theres a solid lines between the straight and right turn only, it means u cant change lanes once ur on that solid lines. Like a point of no return, u have to turn right irregardless whether ur indicator says ur switching lanes.

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 9:44 pm
by tadz0rz
surely there can be a bit of discretion though, i didnt cause any sort of evasive action to other drivers, it was late at night and no other cars were around and i wasnt being an idiot, i was just trying to get home ffs :(

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 9:46 pm
by tadz0rz
taken from the vic roads website re lane markings:

Single continuous dividing lines
A single continuous dividing line means you can cross it to enter or leave the road, but you must not overtake or U-turn. You must not park opposite the dividing line unless there is at least three metres of clearance between your vehicle and the dividing line unless otherwise indicated on a parking sign. ... rkings.htm

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 9:47 pm
by VRX_08
Could be interesting to whether you get fined or not! However you still have made an illegal move by crossing a solid white line to change lanes and by using a designated right turn lane to go straight ahead when not permitted to do so!

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 9:47 pm
by Tong-sea
Sometimes i wish we were in the states, cameras like that are illegal particularly in California.

Californians claims its a violation of their Right to Privacy.

I once told the rent a car manager in anaheim that for america to get out of recession, they should hire vicroads to manage their streets.