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What are the mobile police radar rules?

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Postby Josh_Emerton » Wed Mar 11, 2009 5:16 pm

Well you're supposed to slow down after the first one hahaha

Thats the good thing about Cairns - there is only one!

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Postby Tarquin » Wed Mar 11, 2009 9:28 pm

Unkynd wrote:10% makes sense, as I was told there was 10km (in a 100 zone).

In Qld. I had read and heard it was 10% over... but I think they shortened it to 6% recently for the fixed camera locations.... - hence all the warnings.
There are only 3x fixed cameras in Brisbane anyway, so it's easy to recall where they are.
They do only have 2x small-ish sized signs a few 100m ahead of it saying "Speed Camera used in this area" - Nothing like the massive signs and structures advising the NSW camera locations..... lol

Plus.... The 30 metres of horizontal dashed Lidar 'Range' lines down each lane of the road is another big give away you're going through a speedtrap.

Unkynd wrote:However, my biggest annoyance is how you see multiple cameras within 20km of each other on the same highway.

Yes.... Seen that on the Bruce Hwy, going to the Sunshine Coast.... They'll have a Van on the Hwy at North Lakes... They've got the fixed camera at Burbengary 10kms or so down the road, and then they'll have another 20kms further on past the Bribie Island turn off, a few kms into the 110km zone. Potential for 3x tickets in one trip.

Unkynd wrote:Okay fair enough if I'm speeding I should get booked. But only ONCE!

No way.... If you missed the first one, then you deserve to be booked at the second one too... I mean, you missed two of them....!! lol :o

Unkynd wrote:Unless I'm pulled up the first time and the fact that I'm speeding is brought to my attention, I cannot fix it.

Wrong. You can always do something about it. Slow down, for One. Be more aware, Two.
If you don't know how fast you're going at any given time, you're not being as observant and as careful about your driving as you need to be - Something that stuck with me from my driver training weekend.

Unkynd wrote:They'll say that on both occasions you were speeding so you cop two fines, but if I'm speeding the WHOLE TIME, that's one occasion, at least when I do the math on my fingers.

Yes, but they'll also add.... they've got you speeding over the total distance between the two cameras as well, and get you for dangerous driving too..... LOL
"The time between these two images can be calculated to show your average speed during that distance was, in fact, 32kmh's over the speedlimit for the duration of the trip, so we'll ping you for that to boot !!" hehehe

The Camera vans in Brisbane are getting too sneeky....
But once you know you're looking for Merc Vito vans with nudge bars, parked on the side of the road, in weird places, you're usually ok....
.... you'll maybe spot the corner of a small 'A' frame sign off the side of the van.... wedged under a small shrub or fence....

I use the cruise control for this all the time - even in the suburbs doing 40, 50 & 60kmh's hour. Set the cruise and then you can't speed. Wished it worked below 40kmh in some places....

More people just need to have more respect for the common, normal road rules that govern all of us on the road, and then also respect for the other people using the road with them.

Karma is a big thing on the road imo, and being polite is not a hard thing to do.

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Postby bigdave_1988 » Wed Mar 11, 2009 10:25 pm

Personally i think less attention should be paid to speeding and more on real criminal offences but i guess the revenue raised would be a massive factor

Sorry its not the best but here is what to look for


took this on my way home from tafe at the entertainment center exit...
was wet... in peek hour... i was doing 42ks as you can see no sign


Postby Dummer » Wed Mar 11, 2009 10:25 pm

Tarquin wrote:Plus.... The 30 metres of horizontal dashed Lidar 'Range' lines down each lane of the road is another big give away you're going through a speedtrap.

Fixed cameras use wire loops in the road to detect speed which is why they always have multiple cuttings across the whole lane which the wire loops are placed in. The wire loops work on inductance, when a car goes over the top it has steel in it which is more inductive than air so it can tell when you go over each wire loop and simply based on the time and distance between each loop calculates your speed. red light cameras and traffic light sensors are also usually inductive wire loops in the road....

those painted white lines are more there as a fail safe to measure the car's movement in the time between taking the first and second photos.

Lidar is only used in handheld guns as its beam is focused so it cn only get the reading from one car.

Radar is used by highway patrol cars and mobile speed cameras as it's beam is not focused and will read the speed of any moving object that is to the front of it and in range. It has no way of identifying which car was speeding so if there are two cars in the pic you generally wont get the fine. Happened years back to mum she went past a camera car but there was also a car next to us so she never got a fine in the mail.....

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Postby bigdave_1988 » Wed Mar 11, 2009 10:28 pm

thats a massive pic.... think i will stick to photo bucket next time

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Postby slickthug » Thu Mar 12, 2009 9:36 pm

i asked my cop friend 2day bout the radar thing. he sed they have to pull you over to issue the fine to see who you are. and these are highway patrol cops that do speed gun stuff.

also had a chat bout how cops can get away speeding if another cop pulls them over and lets them go but they cant get away with speed cameras owned by rta.

so rta cameras can issue fines through mail and cops have to pull you over

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Postby Speedie » Thu Mar 12, 2009 10:03 pm

I've been told there is a 10% leeway but I've had a cop give me a ticket for 63 in a 60 zone. 3 k's is the lowest they can go. It depends on your past history. If they've got the hairdryers out and not pulling people over more than likely it will be research for a speed trap in the coming weeks. If they didn't pull you over you wont get a ticket.

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Postby Unkynd » Mon Mar 16, 2009 12:52 pm

Tarquin, you make a good point. What I was mearly referring to was that I thought it was unfair to be booked twice, on the same road doing the same offence, in quick succession without your knowledge. A speeding fine is not only a good way to raise revenue, but a deterrent to the driver, to discontinue further speeding. If you don't know you've been booked, there's no deterrence from further speeding. And while yes you should slow down after the first one, you have to have seen it in the first place.

I personally haven't copped a speeding fine yet, and I think I drive pretty carefully at most times. But surely we've all been in the situation, after driving for long periods of time on a highway, and your speed creeps up without you really noticing. Sure it's still illegal, but it happens to most. But I do agree with your use of cruise control.

I vote for more police presence 'on the roads', rather than 'on the side of roads'. Nothing makes me watch my speed more than a cop car in the next lane.

Slickthug, I've been told that if you're a cop, when you're asked for your licence, fumble with your wallet, making sure that the other officer spots your badge. Cuz once a ticket has been started, it has to be finished. They're all numbered.

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Postby Lancerlot » Mon Mar 16, 2009 12:55 pm

The Sneaky bastards!
makes you wanna throw stones at it!
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Postby spunkybob » Mon Mar 16, 2009 4:04 pm

LOL we dont get them in NSW :P
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Postby sh00tr » Mon Mar 16, 2009 5:14 pm

Innocent until proven guilty!

No photo or printed reading no fine...dont pay it if it comes....
when a highway patrol or another car pulls u over deny evrythin until they show a reading otherwise theres no proof.... with those hairdryers they either sit in a highway patrol car and get ready to chase u or they radion the guy 200m ahead.....

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Postby Ozie » Mon Mar 16, 2009 6:18 pm

i love QLD.


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