So i guess to paint a picture (No pun

) the day went a bit pair shaped. We arrived at said under cover car park, the sun was out but a few clouds and rain drops about, we all had a chat and then Nathan & Adrian got on the job to setup the rig on my car first. This is not a quick operation as it needs to be adjust to suite the car. They had only just finished when the heavens opened up with a massive storm and anyone close by decided to seek shelter in the car park, so basicly we had very little choice of where to do the shots. It was either trollys in the background or someones POS dunny door, (Go the trollies) so yes they could have been a lot better but i for one are happy that Nathan took the time to go ahead and give it a go anyhow with the conditions he had and all for free.
So when i say they are awesome, they are for the what we had to work with, thanks again the Nathan & Adrian for setting it up. Now that we have another photographer in Blakey maybe we can organize another photo shoot, the more the better,