*CLOSED* CCJ Group Buy May '11 - Dispatching Thread
Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 7:47 pm
Following what must seem like an eternity, it has come to the time to dispatch out what everyone has bought. Most items will arrive between now and end first week of Jun'11.
I will add to the list below of completed GB items:
Philips Halogen GB Bold => paid
12V Spotlight GB
Pocket Sunglass Holder
Dash Dandy
Tyre Dandy
Mitsubishi Parts
Bosch AeroTwin Wipers
X-Factor Leather Seat Cover *Bold => Form Completed
I now need to arrange for various reception points in each state.
Those who volunteer to do receptions should ensure they are flexibly mobile and have an address the courier can get to within office hours so little chance of having to go to the depot for pickup.
Please also include your postcode?
I don't understand the terrain in the other states but suffice to say geography sometimes makes it easier if people pick their stuff up from others?
VIC = F.O.C. ofey 3108 *duh*
NSW = F.O.C. Slash pick up handing over to Brown Sound for Distro
QLD = All items shipped to megatron 4500 - QLD Dispatch to megatron on 5/7
SA = F.O.C. RyanMK picking up in July
WA = F.O.C. lancervr to pick up
Following what must seem like an eternity, it has come to the time to dispatch out what everyone has bought. Most items will arrive between now and end first week of Jun'11.
I will add to the list below of completed GB items:
Philips Halogen GB Bold => paid
[s]1. ricksville= XTP HB4 = A$43.50
2. dannyboi = XTP HB4 + XTP HB3 = A$93.50
3. MiztaB = 2 x CV HB4 + 2 X CV HB3 + 1 X CV H11 = A$315.00
4. Dora Anne = CV H11 = A$75.00
5. BrownSound = BV HB4 + BV HB3 = A$80.50
6. JustinR = BV HB4 + BV HB3=A$80.50[/s] - All handed to Slash 25/6
[s]1. chubb = CV HB4 = A$60.00
2. megatron = 2 X CV H11 = A$150.00
3. Rob_RA = BV HB4 + BV HB3 = A$80.50
4. niro86 = BV HB4 + BV HB3 + BV H11 = A$146.50[/s] - QLD Dispatch to megatron on 5/7
[s]1. MrES = BV HB4 + BV H11 = A$135[/s] Handed over 22/8
[s]2. steve83 = XTP HB4 = A$43.50[/s] Handed over 21/6
[s]1. itachi = BV HB4 + BV HB3 = A$80.50
2. Dire = XTP HB4 = A$43.50[/s] Handed over to lancervr
[s]1. Ryan_MK = XTP HB4 + XTP HB3 = A$93.50
2. Aspir3 = CV H11 = A$75.00[/s] - Collected by RyanMK
[s]1. Iribia = 2 X BV HB4 + 2 X BV HB3=A$161.00[/s] - Dispatched by AusPost
12V Spotlight GB
[s]1. hansmitchel: 2 X Red + 1 X Silver + 3 X FF[/s] - Handed over
[s]2. ofey: 1 X Grey + FF[/s] - Handed over
[s]3. meaty: 2 X silver + 1 X pink + 1 X Black + 2 X FF + 2 X HB (Special Order RRP =A$12.95) + 4 X barkeep = 1xpink 2x orange 1x black[/s] - Handed over 25/6
4. vlad_the_impaler = 1 X Grey + FF + BK = red
[s]5. dubdocker = 1 X Black + FF[/s] - Handed over 26/8
[s]6. Goose03 = 1 X Black + FF[/s] - Handed over 07/10
[s]1. Monty888: 1 X Black + FF
2. kyrus: 1 X Black + FF
3. BrownSound: 1 X Red + FF
4. bd-850: 1 X Red + 1 X Black + 2 X FF
5. LZY_EYE: 1 X Silver + 1 X Pink + FF
6. Mr Charisma: 1 X Purple + 1 X Grey
7. DORA_ANNE: 2 X Black + 2 X Grey + 1 X Pink
8. AussieCJ: 1 X Silver + FF
9. Mizta_B: 1 X Red + FF[/s] - All handed to Slash 25/6
[s]1. loc09: 1 X Black + FF
2. Speedie: 1 X Blue + 1 X Silver + 1 HB (Special Order RRP =A$12.95)
3. mitchccj10: 1 X Black + FF + SS (special order RRP=A$16.95)
4. niro86: 1 X Red + FF
5. chubb: 1 X Blue + 1 X Red + 2 X FF
6. sleeper: 1 X Ti + FF[/s] - QLD Dispatch to megatron on 5/7
[s]1. Dire: 1 X Black + FF + SS (special order RRP=A$16.95)
2. Leez: 1 Purple + 1 X Spec Black (Special Order)
3. AJjnr86: 1 X Red + 1 X Silver + 1 X Purple + 2 X FF[/s] - Handed over to lancervr
[[s]b]1. RyanMK: 1 X Orange + FF[/b]
2. aspir3: 1 X Blue + FF[/s] - Collected by RyanMK
Pocket Sunglass Holder
VIC - [s]meaty[/s] handed over 5/8, [s]Solonjhee[/s] handed over 13/8
NSW - [s]JaCe, just SC, bd-850, dejayhan, RAwannabe, slash.[/s] - All handed to Slash 25/6
QLD - [s]Chubb, Milobob x2, megatron x2 , sleeper, arutha, mitchccj10, whitenight, kimmyX2, Alileighju,loc09,ripflare10,hotlanc,mechenggdude,shaine, niro86, 13ezy[/s] - QLD Dispatch to megatron on 5/7.
SA - [s]Pascher[/s]->delivered by shamoo
ACT - [s]axcbi[/s] -> dispatched by AusPost Registered
Dash Dandy
NSW: [s]justsc, BrownSound X 3, kyrus, JaCe, LZY_EYE X 3, monty888 X 3, Mizta_B X 3, MyVRX08 X 2, bd-850 X 2, DORA_ANNE X 4[/s]. - All handed to Slash 25/6
[s]SA: RyanMK X 3, aspir3 X 3, Pascher X 2, shamoo X 2 [/s]-> Dispatched by Pascher
VIC: PYLee, [s]hansmitchel X 3[/s], [s]meaty X 2[/s], Vlad_the_impaler X 2, LaNcE X 2, [s]dubdocker X 3[/s], mizart.
QLD:[s] loc09, milobob, megatron X 10, Speedie X 3,chubb X 2[/s] - QLD Dispatch to megatron on 5/7
[s]WA: Leez[/s] - Handed over to lancervr
Tyre Dandy
VIC: ofey X 2, [s]hansmitchel X 3[/s], [s]meaty X 2[/s], vlad_the_impaler, PYLee X 3.
NSW:[s] bd-850 X 2, LZY_EYE X 2, kyrus X 2, Mizta_B X 3, DORA_ANNE X 4, BrownSound X 2, monty888 X 3.[/s] - All handed to slash 25/6
[s]SA: aspir3 X 2, RyanMK X 3, shamoo X 2, Black Betty X 3[/s]. -> Dispatched by Pascher
QLD: [s]megatron X 10, chubb X 2[/s] - QLD Dispatch to megatron on 5/7
Mitsubishi Parts
[s]Kyrus - X 42 Paint
Dav VRX - 8610A018 SWITCH-AFS CONTROL + 4060A136 Cap, Fr Susp
coolwave911 - 2401A004 SWITCH ASSY-A/T SHIFT RANGE,8065A039XA COVER-STRING COLUMN-LWR(BLACK), 8701A087 Audio Control Panel for Steering Wheel[/s] - All handed to slash 25/6
[s]draevon - 5 X MD050317 Gasket 14mm
FFEEky - MR936572 - COOLANT PRE-MIX - 5Lt + 3 X MD050317 Gasket 14mm
niro86 - 8401A009HA Lamp ASSY Room FR L B GRAY
13ezy - RA Battery Cover + CF Air Con Control Cover[/s] - QLD Dispatch to megatron on 5/7
[s]milobob - MZ380462EX MMCS Reversing Camera, MZ607437EX MMCS Reversing Camera Cover, MZ360277EX MMCS Reversing Camera Harness
4060A136 Cap, Fr Susp.[/s]->Dispatched by Registered AusPost
[s]danny Who - 8401A009HA Lamp ASSY Room FR L B GRAY[/s]->Handed over to lancervr
Bosch AeroTwin Wipers
NSW: [s]Just SC[/s] - Handed to Slash 25/6
QLD: Ray Curren - Spare VRX Wheel only
X-Factor Leather Seat Cover *Bold => Form Completed
1. Alileighju - QLD *PAID = A$837*
[s]2. Latino_Ralliart - NSW[/s] - Recent accident. Funds locked
3. Iribia - NT *PAID = A$837*
4. chooks - NSW *PAID = A$837*
5. JustinR - NSW *PAID = A$837*
6. Miss SX - QLD *PAID = A$837*
7. sto0ge - VIC *PAID = A$835*
[s]8. BR14AN - NSW[/s] - Not allowed by Lease back company
9. andrewh88 - VIC *PAID = A$837*
I now need to arrange for various reception points in each state.
Those who volunteer to do receptions should ensure they are flexibly mobile and have an address the courier can get to within office hours so little chance of having to go to the depot for pickup.
Please also include your postcode?
I don't understand the terrain in the other states but suffice to say geography sometimes makes it easier if people pick their stuff up from others?
VIC = F.O.C. ofey 3108 *duh*
NSW = F.O.C. Slash pick up handing over to Brown Sound for Distro
QLD = All items shipped to megatron 4500 - QLD Dispatch to megatron on 5/7
SA = F.O.C. RyanMK picking up in July
WA = F.O.C. lancervr to pick up