bd-850 wrote:Pete it happened today again [img:638fdf3df8][1].PNG[/img:638fdf3df8] the ever so popular CCJ Image uploader failed once again try again [img:638fdf3df8][/img:638fdf3df8]
you only ever give me problems to fix. That's pretty image uploader fail, I suspect it because the filename has square brackets in it and the phpbb software is trying to interpret the [ 1 ] as a phpbb tag... perhaps. THat's my theory at the moment. I'll try and have a look at it when I get time. tonight whislt at work I want to set aside time and fix the photobucket/imageshack/facebook/etc image slurper...
As for the chat going off screen, it's a minor annoyance which seems to be a pre-existing (pre my time) bug, it;s probably way down my list of priorities at the moment. Next time it happens can you go back to the main CCJ menu and back into chat and let me know if it does the same thing. I want to know if it's a particular way a particualr chat post is entered or just a stylesheet issue with going from portrait -> landscape > portait ....