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Stepping Down

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 11:39 pm
Hi All,

I just wanted to let you know I have stepped down effective immediately.

Due to increasing family and work commitments I do not have the time that I used to have to devote to the site. As most of you should understand, my family and work will always come first.

The time I have been Admin has both been rewarding and testing. When myself and Mizta B were given the responsibilty the club was pretty much broke from Admin that was here previous to us.

This got to the point of being so bad, that I am personally owed money from Ozie, not in the hundreds, but thousands. So on top of the stress I had of helping to grow this club, I had that financial stress also.

We have now changed that around to a club that is now well on its way and is back on its way to being a successful club. I am still owed the money, but that is my mission to resolve. Which is why I tried to keep it out of this club as best I could, in the interests of the future of this club.

It is quite common knowledge that there have been some issues of late in this club, and it disappointed me greatly that rather than providing constructive ways to move forward as a club, a small amount of members decided to start pointing the finger and accusing of dishonest behaviour.

I am disappointed that anyone in this club would even consider that myself would do anything dishonest toward this club.

The only "perk" I received is the loan of an evox bonnet and wing. I was meant to have the opportunity of purchasing these at some point, but this offer was withdrawn. I am now respraying the bonnet, at my cost.

On the other side of the coin, I have put in hours upon hours, paid huge phone bills. So, if anyone would like to talk to me about any "perks" and freebies I have received, I would love to hear from you!

I would like to thank other key members of this club for the support. I would like to thank a few members personally.

Mizta B. Without Chris' help, I quite bluntly couldn't have done it. Not only is he supportive, trustworthy and diligent, he is possibly the nicest bloke I have ever met. He has worked tirelessly for this club, despite people throwing slander and accusations. I quite honestly don't know how he did it!

Blade888 Nick, well what can I say. Even after stepping down as the Member Liason Officer, he has still worked tirelessly for the club trying to secure our future. He has been calling in favours left right and centre. Never expecting any thanks for it, it is just what he does.

Ofey Our Chief Buyer. Always working hard to screw down suppliers for a good deal! Irving has always worked hard for this club, and rather than just throwing critism, has always been there to help, and put plans into action.

Mattigins Well it goes without saying, that without Matt, ClubCJ wouldn't exist. He works tirelessly to add new features to the site, and always keep it fresh.

In closing, please support the new admin team that will be elected. Remember rather than critise, provide constructive feedback that can be used to move this club forward.

I hope that the work that we have done to get this club back in the black provides a good framework for the future.


Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 12:13 am
by Mizta B
I would like to add my thoughts also ClubCJ -

Past Administration had its problems, that is no secret
I am also owed a large sum of money from a former Admin or two!!

The slander and finger pointing hurt quite badly
My decision to step down was not an easy one believe me
I have never profited from club involvement and every mod on my car is paid for by me!

There were no perks or kick backs just a lot of unpaid labour, time, stress and effort to rescue this club and turn it around for you the members, and for the record I was not involved with Ozie or Adrian's deception,nor did I profit from them.

I have no regrets other than my reputation and ethics being questioned, that I will not forgive or forget in a hurry.

Nick Shane and I put in massive amounts of effort to restructure this club now its your turn so step up and get behind Ofey and Matt.

I wish CCJ well, and will always be here if needed, but not out front anymore - I am done and now know who my friends here really are!

Good luck for the future, and please support the new administration
Regards - Mizta B. :wink:

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 2:14 am
by Mitch
Chris, Shane you guys have been great thankyou both for doing what you did best you guys were great and still are great

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 4:19 am
by scraverX
I second Mitch here. Well done to the both of you, I don't think I could have done it.

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 6:20 am
by aussie027
Chris, Shane , Irving, Matt, Nick,.... Many thanks to you all for all your hard work and efforts behind the scenes.

Way out here in the Wild Wild West all the members are somewhat isolated from all the goings on back East.

I personally have been totally shocked by what I have learnt this past week on numerous threads. As usual a small minorities misdeeds have spoilt things for the majority.

This club was supposed to be about sharing knowledge about our cars, helping each other and making new friends along the way.

Hopefully everything can be turned around for the better by the newly elected admins, mods and the membership and it can return to being about these core values.


Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 8:14 am
by The X
Thanks for your efforts, must be hard to step down when you've been so actively involved in the club from the early days.

The club has been with its dramas and when there is a lynch mob out, accusations do get thrown around, misinformation seeps in, rumours abound, which then mob then feeds on itself and it kinda gets a little out of control.

Things are beginning to settle down.....

Best of luck, I'm sure we will still see lots of you.... :)

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 9:59 am
by Mr Charisma
Sorry to hear about that guys.

I know people take the smooth front end running's for granted while other put in the hard work behind the scenes.

Don't be strangers :P

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 10:55 am
by Klue2k
sorry to hear that you'll be stepping down shane.

but i just want to say what an awesome job you've done for the club and how helpful you've been, especially to me. thanks again.

all the best with your family/work commitments and life in general =]

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 11:17 am
by shamrockshirts
Can fully understand why you guys have stepped down. Thanks for all the work in the past and hope to catch up with some of you soon.


Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 7:19 pm
Thanks to all of you for your kind words.

I have definitely met some great people through the club, and will still be around.

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 7:25 pm
by FizyMo
Hey Shane.
Sorry to hear that u will be stepping down.

But this is a good club and i am proud to say that ive made the right decision to be a life time member, even tho im new to this


Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 7:40 pm
by Chubb
Shane, Chris guys I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for all your tiresome efforts to move ClubCJ forward to what it is today. I know very well it has meant more then a few restless nights, but guys I think your work is done and it is time you guys to get some much deserved R & R.

Live long and Prosper guys and thanks very very much.

Chubb Out :D:D

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 7:52 pm
by Mitch
Chubb wrote:Shane, Chris guys I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for all your tiresome efforts to move ClubCJ forward to what it is today. I know very well it has meant more then a few restless nights, but guys I think your work is done and it is time you guys to get some much deserved R & R.

Live long and Prosper guys and thanks very very much.

Chubb Out

you guys have done us proud so i am glad you guys are still going to be around talk to ya's both soon

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 9:09 pm
by Mizta B
We wont stray too far guys and thank you all for your kind words
This club will survive and it will prosper
This will happen because of you the members who care about this club as much as we do
It was a hard decision but it was the right one
A clean sweep, new Admin and a brighter more secure future for ClubCJ
I care about you all and that hasn't changed
Always your friend - Mizta B :wink: :D

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 9:13 pm
@ Shane :( ....@ Chris :( .......

I Also would like to Thank you"s Both For all your hard work and Dedication .

Still be nice to catch up with you's again on some Meets

Doreen :)