Despite an intensive search on the net just this week there are NO accurate recent photos or drawings that show what the new 2014 Lancers will look like, the pic you have posted is 2 years old as is the green one that looks similar floating around on the net.
As has been reported by Mitsu Aust CEO the new model will be smaller than the CJ and bigger than the old CH.
Other reports state it may have a variety of engines including possibly diesels as in Europe and possibly start-stop technology as well. Smaller capacity engines are likely. A hybrid Evo has also been postulated.
According to an old report the design will be softened from the shark mouth or jet fighter intake that it has today to apparently increase its appeal to female buyers.
I think that if true that is a great pity, I like the blue drawing styling on the performance drive site.
It is however very likely as I saw in some recent reports that this new Mitsu concept for a "global car "platform will have some styling influence on the design of the new Lancer.
This is only a small car, Mirage size, but will possibly both in chassis design features and body design styling in some ways carry over to the new Lancer.
I certainly hope not, however given a release date is only approx 12-15mo away we should start to see some actual photos of test cars out on the road etc soon. ... ghai-2013/ ... ulfstream/
There are dozens of articles on it, just google search.
I am broke so will be keeping my current baby for a good few years more yet. LOL