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Best insurance company to go with?

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Postby VRX_08 » Fri Feb 07, 2014 9:22 am

I am with AAMI, they are excellent from what I have dealt with them, have made a claim once not long ago and they have been really friendly and nice to me so far. They were also the cheapest for me by quite a bit! :D

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Postby R4LLI4RT » Fri Feb 07, 2014 9:23 am

i dont know about the best
but im with progressive direct
and full comp on the ra is less than $90 a month
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Postby Mystique » Fri Feb 07, 2014 10:30 am

I'm with RACT, and I only pay $81 a month for full comp with rental car option and windscreen replacement for my LX, not sure how much i'd pay for an evo, but, my excess is only around $1000 I think for memory, only mainly because I'm still under 25 >_< One more year to go! Horray!
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Postby SIX » Fri Feb 07, 2014 10:42 am

TrojanHorse wrote:I vote shannons. They are a little more expensive than most but so worth it. Most mods covered and I even claimed with my coilovers on which are illegal and not insured/listed/covered etc and was no prob, they didnt even bother with an assessor, just approved on repairers photos. One thing of note with mods: less is always more with an insurance co Ive found. You can be TOO honest and tell them too much. I used to tell them eveyrthing and anything but Ive found a lot of stuff wont even make a diff if its not specifically covered or not and will just increase ur premium if you list it. I only insure the bits Ive modded that are likely to be most at risk and damaged in an accident (such as exhaust, bodykit bits) or contribute obviously to theft (so stereo etc). I reckon you could poss get away with not even telling them the car is lowered. If you need to claim and in the unlikely event they send an assessor and the assessor questions it, just say you bought it like that and you didnt know! In my experience, if its not directly damaged and/or needs replacing and/or provable to have contributed to the accident, most wont even care/look at it, esp the insurance cos like Just Cars and Shannons that are mod friendly.

im with shannons too , i highly recommend them
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Postby Lancer09 » Thu Mar 13, 2014 2:11 pm

ok sorry to open this thread again.

But as i posted i am with AAMI and paid 1500 a year and then i had to pay maybe 100 more for adding rims which was fine with the policy ending on the 29th of april. I just got a letter n the mail about renewing my policy with them for the 14th of april costing me just under $2000 PLUS the agreed value on my car dropped from 15,800 to 14,500. So i will DEFINATELY move to another insurer.


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Postby black_ice » Thu Mar 13, 2014 2:23 pm

you were paying $1500/year for a car you had insured for $16k??? and then an additional $100per year cause u added rims..thats not rite!!

That's a lot...definitely shop around mate I'm sure you can get a much better deal...

Here are some of your other options:
Just car
Enthusiasts Underwriting

Now I KNow some people will say if you pay for a cheaper insurance company like progressive/coles/bingle etc their will not be as good as the bigger more established companies etc etc..this is something you have to decide whats best for you!
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Postby turbogirl » Thu Mar 13, 2014 2:25 pm

I'm with QBE, they have not increased my premium with the additions I've added to car but the selling point for me was new for old replacement in first four years! Eg if car written off I get a brand new current year RA not just market value

I pay $105 per month for the RA but I have never had an accident and I'm well over 25 yrs old lol
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Postby Lancer09 » Thu Mar 13, 2014 2:30 pm

I'm pretty sure it's also because I'm 24 (23 at the time) when i purchased the policy that it was higher and under my name etc.

But the premium increase of 4-5 hundred was a massive shock.

Also, because i am under 25 IF i use the excess i need to pay another 400 on top of the excess. Heaps lame.

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Postby Hbomb931 » Thu Mar 13, 2014 6:14 pm

I'm with AAMI and I'm paying around $580ish a year full comprehensive but with no mods and over the age of 25. The agreed value is $39990.

If you go to their site and do an online quote you get a better deal, then get the quote number and ring them up and go from there. They are really good to deal with. But as I said, I don't know what will happen once modifications are done
Ben H

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Postby D » Thu Mar 13, 2014 7:00 pm

I am with just cars, and I pay $1600 for full comp my evo, I think that this is fair as I have had a minor accident in The last 3 years, plus only being 19 having a car of this caliber? I was happy to pay that, given that the next cheapest quote was over 3k and pretty much no one else would insure me, as soon as it had any modifications BAM! No insurance for me haha,
I have found just car great in the past when I had my accident they handled everything as you would expect, they also gave me the option if the repairs was close to my excess that I could just pay the cost outright so it wouldn't have gone on my record etc.
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Postby Lancer09 » Thu Mar 13, 2014 8:07 pm

budget direct has for me the lowest at around 850 ish but i've heard some dodgy feedback so I'm not sure if i want to go for them. it sounds like one of those "you get what you pay for" type

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