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Postby jamie885 » Wed Mar 14, 2012 10:56 pm

So I receive a call from the dealer offering the usual paint protection etc.

Just out of curiosity I did a search to find prices on having the protection fitted by a third party when I came across a product called Opti-Coat.

Basically it bonds to the clear coat and prevents bird sh*t from damaging your paint, I also would assume it would help that little more to prevent stone chips.

Here's a video of it applied

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lr6QByfE ... re=related

and a video of 22 months after.. still going strong

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jy9b7MaL ... re=related

I have priced it with a detailer for the Lancer its $436 inc GST, im not sure if anyone has had this done, if so how have you found it? I am very keen on having it done if it's as good as it looks.

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Postby Speedie » Wed Mar 14, 2012 11:09 pm

Dealers used to use Tint-a-car for all tinting, fabric and paint protection, then they started getting their detailers to do the jobs. So unfortunately the quaility of workmanship from the dealers applying these items is far less of that which would be done with an outsourced service. Also you will find the Tint-a-car is less then half the price charged by the dealer. If you source and apply the product yourself you may not be covered under warrenty that is offered by the product (as you are not a professional applier)

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