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How do i get mself a club CJ sticker

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Postby Dire » Sun Aug 01, 2010 12:13 pm

I never worried about making our own because I was told there were cards for us, and they just needed to be sent.

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Postby Dire » Sun Aug 01, 2010 12:22 pm

You don't need to do that Stacey, we're going to need a lot :P

Edit: Unless Matt wants them for himself :lol:

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Postby PNKBBY » Sun Aug 01, 2010 12:30 pm

Club CJ is a community if im correct..

and the believed perception of a community is ''a social group of any size whose members reside in a specific locality, share government, and often have a common cultural and historical heritage.''

therefore why should those who need help have to ask, if its evident that help is needed why not offer?? :D

as for the whole fiasco over the whiteline order, those who are immediately affected should be initally informed and IF, and thats a very big IF, those members want to take legal action against the club, then the remaining members should then be informed... and you need legal knowledge to be able to pass judgement on that, ethics arent the major factor when you look at it from other then your personal point of view..

as for the spotted cards, chase up your state mods, and get them to get in contact with admin, theyre mods for a reason...

and sam has the right idea/information in regards to stickers/membership.. not commenting on the purchasing stickers bit thou

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Postby Mizta B » Sun Aug 01, 2010 12:37 pm

I have a full box at home, will that tide W.A over for now?
Send me someone's details and I'll mail them over and chase Lzy_Eye up for some more.
The affected members in the Group buy were all told as they were the ones affected and we didnt want the club publically shamed over this fiasco,it tends to deter potential members
Cheers Chris.
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Postby Dire » Sun Aug 01, 2010 12:40 pm

I'll take you up on that Chris. I'll PM you my address.

Stacey idk if you still want to send yours. I was about to PM you :P
A box should be plenty for a while though. We don't have too many members to distribute them too :P

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