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Problems with LED Tail lights

HID's, Bulb's + LED Interior and Exterior Illumination.

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Problems with LED Tail lights

Postby jitesh88 » Thu Jul 05, 2012 6:18 pm

Hi Guys,

i have installed the new LED tail lights

i have fitted them with the resistor as well but i have some intermittent problems with them

The right side parker lights dont always turn on.

for example if i unlock the car the first time, the right side wont turn on. i have to lock it and unlock it twice and then it turns on and the same happens when i am driving around. i have to turn off/on lights for the parker lights to turn on.

this used to never happen with my original lights.

also the front parkers seem to be linked with the taillights somehow.

Anyone else have the same problem ?

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Postby aspir3 » Thu Jul 05, 2012 7:02 pm

Check your connection.

Use a volt meter to check if necessary.

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Postby jitesh88 » Thu Jul 05, 2012 7:07 pm

ive double checked all connections

OEM lights work fine. when i put the LED lights they work intermittently.

it doesnt work the first 2 times and then works fine until the car is switched off and let alone for a while and the same problem starts for the first 2 times and then again goes back to normal behaviour

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Postby Dazz4C » Thu Jul 05, 2012 8:15 pm

I had this same problem, turns out the wiring of the LED parkers weren't that great. Adding a load resistor to the front parkers or getting new ones that consume more power will solve the problem.

I originally added load resistors, but replaced the whole thing with some 1.5W parkers.

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Postby jitesh88 » Thu Jul 05, 2012 8:20 pm

so its the front parkers that are affecting the right side tail lights ?

how come the left side front parkers dont create the same problem ?

where can i get these load resistors from or alternatively which parkers should i buy that will put some load ?

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Postby Dazz4C » Thu Jul 05, 2012 11:19 pm

My problem was that if the drivers side parker was not on, the right tail lights would not work. It took a few unlocks before it turned on.

If you do an isolation test, you'll find that if you use higher power bulbs (I tested with stock and another set of LED's from a friend) the problem is resolved.

Anyway, I bought these http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/T10-car-Whit ... 46004867f8

As far as why the passenger side parkers aren't affected, it's probably due to the circuitry of the car. I didn't have a multimeter available at the time, so I didn't bother measuring the voltage and current.

My theory would be that since the car is designed for LHD (park brake on LHS...) the circuitry would be done so in the same manner. The drivers side is probably connected in parallel with the passenger side, splitting the current and not allowing the ECU to detect it properly (controls power flow to lighting), since it draws very low amounts [of current] it caused hyperflash because the ECU thinks the bulb is blown.

Then again, that's all pure speculation, and I'm sure its much more complicated. Maybe an EE like Ofey could explain... I'm just a ME with basic circuitry knowledge haha.

TL;DR - Buy those bulbs from the link and you'll be fine.

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Postby jitesh88 » Fri Jul 06, 2012 4:31 pm

Thanks Dazz4C

i am facing exactly the same problem. i have to do a few unlocks to get them to work.

it flashes when it does not turn on.

i have ordered the parker LEDs.

will provide an update when i receive them and get it installed.

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