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Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 3:12 pm
by bd-850
Metho? ive used it to get tar off the car, just use a small amount, then wash after.

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 4:12 pm
by whitenight
hey stacey your going to have to use some elbow grease and some cut and polish when doing it be patient it will eventually come off get some polishing cloth and a good cut and polish i wouldnt use any chemicals on your paint . good luck.

Re: Grass off car

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 4:29 pm
by Blakey
STACYS wrote:Dunno where to post this so just gonna stick it here..

so about 3 - 4 weeks ago was park on the lawn at my girlfriends place and a old man told me

"Sorry love, when i used the whipper snipper the grass sprayed up on the side of your car"

Well after the washing the car i cannot get the grass off at all.

I've tried heavy duty carwash and bug and tar remover no luck there any suggestions?

Have you tried using a claybar and quick detail spray? claybar is ment to get everything off, from overspray to dirt, and im sure paint is harder to get off then grass.

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 4:44 pm
by Blakey
STACYS wrote:nah i haven't. dont have much clue when it comes to cleaning cars or anything else.

Bug an tar remover usually worked for everything else

How much is it to claybar it?

id try that before using a cut and polish, especially if you have no idea what your doing with a cut and polish, as you will run out of clear very quickly, and will end up with a really dull uncleared spot on your car.

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 4:55 pm
by AJjnr86
A meguires quick detailer kit (clay bar and spray) is bout $20 - $30 I think from memory, from autobarn or other car shops, works well, I've used it a lot

Just b carefull to fold the clay often and don't press too hard, u can even use soapy water instead of the spray