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Lancer CF Front Bumper Blackout

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 4:22 pm
by gonzo0124
Hi guys,

I'm looking at blacking out my Lancers front bumper. (16' CF face lift). Can anyone give me ideas as to how the chrome might be attached? Whether clipper or screwed on. I don't really want to have to go to the extents of removing the front bumper/ using excessive force and potentially breaking it. I've seen full front bumper breakdown diagrams of other Lancer bumpers, but i have been unsuccessful in finding one for the CF bumper.

Any ideas / experience would be great.

Thanks! :)

Re: Lancer CF Front Bumper Blackout

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 5:24 pm
by valkyria
Did you not want to paint over the chrome or is that why you're taking it off?

Re: Lancer CF Front Bumper Blackout

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 9:12 pm
by Kibbles
mask of the chrome and use a good 6-8 layers of black plastidip. Ive done that on my silver trim on my lancer. Had it on for a year and already gone through a hot summer at the start of the year. still holding strong with no scratches or rips. Its a cheap solution but looks great if you take your time and mask it off properly. If it does rip, wet down the affected area with light amount of goo remover till its smooth then wait for it to dry. then re-apply plastidip to the area.

TL;DR: Plastidip, cheap, good results, reparable.