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Boot Liner Issue?

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 4:00 pm
by dannyboi
Hey all,

Just wondering if you guys have the same issue.

I'm referring to the dark grey fabric/plastic liner that surrounds the left and right sides of the boot. I noticed that on the left side, where there appears to be a cut-out pattern, it's sagging down a lot and is not flushed at all.

The nearest plastic screw isn't doing a particularly good job either, as the hole has torn so there's not much grip anymore.

I only spotted it as I was trying to see where I could place a strip of LEDs.

I'll take a photo once the weather clears.


Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 6:15 pm
by mr_evo
Well once you put the pics up I might be able to help. I had my whole interior stripped out a while ago, then I put it back in, just for sh!ts and giggles :)
But I think my boot setup is a little different to yours though.


Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 6:43 pm
by dannyboi
Going through the LED thread, I spotted Hoge's photo:

If you look at the liner, it looks pretty warped. The sag point should really be flushed to the top of boot, and fitting tightly around some electrical cables.

I guess that suggests it's a "problem" for other cars. It doesn't really affect anything, but it does seem out of place and is a quality issue.

I'll take a photo tomorrow anyway.