Monday! PLZ Monday!!! everyone cross your fingers, I'm anticipating it as much (if not more!) than you!!!!
I WAS shattered! lol - a client came thru the door last thing on friday with a box, as soon as I saw the box and before i saw the client I RAN to the door and almost bowled him over - told him he was a prick for fooling me
(good mates with him, he understood the situation
I'm wrapped to see this much support guys/gals - good things do take time... Good thing is, I've got a bit of that at the moment... The most difficult bit I forsee now is colour matching / upholstering (depending on which way we go) as I have ZERO experience in that department. Functionallity is all up to me, but the finish on the product, I need to find a capable person to do it (hopefully cheap!)
Again - anyone reading this know anyone who does 'car interior stuff' or upholstry, PM me, I've got a few leads to try, but want to find the best balance of quality/price...