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G'day Melbourne guys!

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 12:34 am
by exaltd
Hi all u fellow CJ Lancer owners =),

Let me introduce myself. My name is Gabriel from Melbourne living in Lower Templestowe. So for everything in Melbourne that goes on, count me in if I have the time =). I'd love to get to know u all.

I'm so proud to own a brand new 09 Lancer ES sedan. It's champagne coloured and it's my pride and joy - i love taking care of it inside and out! =) So far it has no mods, but i intend to do some to increase the pleasure of driving this brilliant car - as and when i get the money for it.

I love cars - and everything about them. I treat all cars well, and i don't thrash my own car, reason being i love my car too much... and i'm a student so i don't have much money =P, but i drive enthusiastically and use only the best fuels (BP Ultimate and Shell V-Power).

I think i've seen some of ur cars going around and maybe some in Deakin University, as i'm a student myself there... i'd love to meet up with u on campus if u are a member and a student at Deakin Burwood.

Please pm me if u want, i'd be happy to hear from u.

Anyway, that's a pretty comprehensive 'about me' section. Hoping to get to know u all =).

Take care


Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 12:39 am
Welcome to the club mate!!

I'm not from Smellbourne, but there are plenty others!

Hope you can attend some of their meets one day!!

Enjoy the site!

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 12:42 am
by Ozie
Welcome exaltd one to ClubCJ.


Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 12:49 am
by squala
Welcome aboard matey. Nice to know another champagne owner

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 12:51 am
by Aspired
Welcome to the club.
If your free tomorrow night there is a mini meet close to your place.
Have a look at this thread -

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 6:57 am
Welcome!! If you want to mod your CJ, you have found the right place!

Any questions, there are always heaps of friendly people to help you out :)