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New member from Melbourne - Greg

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 1:01 pm
by Greg
Hi All,

my name is Greg and I have a 2011 SX hatchback, bought about a year ago from a dealer with 40K kms on the clock.

I found your website via Goggle searches for speaker upgrades for my car, and am impressed with the overwhelmingly friendly nature of the replies to peoples posts - quite a change from other (non-car) forums I see.

I have owned my car for nearly a year and am very pleased with it. Especially so when I plant the accelerator, look across at my 10y.o. son and say to him: "Feel that? That's Lancer pooooooower!" That gets a smile out of him every time.

Subject to cost, changes I'd like to make to the car in order of importance to me are:
a) front speaker upgrade.
b) rear parking camera
c) maybe front/back sensors

I played a song recently (Jamie xx - "Sleep Sound") in the car on CD and the speakers distorted big time due the big, deep bass in the song. My crappy computer speakers don't go down low enough to cause this when listening to Youtube, and no other song has done that (caused the distortion) in the car before or since.

Given a budget of a few hundred dollars, and having read advice on the forums about replacing front door speakers first (or even *only* if that's all the budget permits), what advice would you give me for speaker replacement?

Not being terribly tall, I find that parking the car is not as easy as I'd like it to be, especially when compared to parking my wife's Mazda 3.
Given that, I'd like to explore the possibility of getting a parking camera and maybe even front/rear sensors installed.

Unfortunately I am technically and DIY clueless, so would have to get any mods done professionally (which I'm okay with) so a dealer in the (Inner) South East suburbs of Melbourne would be preferable.

Any advice you can give on any/all of the speakers/parking camera/sensors will be greatly appreciated.

cheers, Greg.

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 2:11 pm
by VRX_08
Welcome! :D

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 7:31 pm
by xCeazy
Welcome mate! 😎

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 9:06 pm
by Trouble

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 9:38 pm
by bunnishiwa
Welcome. Regarding speakers a reasonable set of 6" or 6.5" co-axial's from any of the main brands would suit. I would look at 50W RMS power or there abouts. Speakers all do sound different and what suits you is a personal choice. As a starting point i would go to your local JB Hifi or Autobahn and listen to a few different sets to get more of a feel. Speakers are very easy to install yourself (and cheaper from than the high street) but if you want it done professionally then a good audio place is worthwhile. Not sure where you are in Melbourne but I can recommend Phatt Audio in Braeside for excellent work. Not the cheapest but always good

Re speakers here are a couple of possibilities ... r-speakers ... r-speakers

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2015 10:51 am
by Greg
Hi All, and thanks for the Welcomes.

I've never heard of the JL brand, but have heard of Focal as they make very hi end Hi Fi speakers.

Time for some more research on both...

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2015 5:20 pm
by Damir
welcome :)
i highly recommend sam at profound sound with help on car audio as they supply really high end audio as well as beginner and mid range.
I have phoenix gold rx speakers(cheap upgrade from stocks), dual mtx 10" thunder 8000 subs, and an mtx mono1000rms and mtx 4 channel amp
getting a pioneer screen unit soon to have a very nice sounding setup
My box is tuned to 38hz
depending on your budget phoenix gold offers a great range but if you are after high end speakers then get morel, in my opinion i reckon morel are the best speakers because i am fairly certain they are all hand made