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Hey I'm Vic from VIC haha

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 10:39 am
by MyEducation
Hey guys my name's Victor and from Melbourne's Eastern suburbs
Things about myself
Real Name : Victor
Occupation : 2nd year Uni Student, working casual database management

Car Stuff
I Just got my lancer about 2 weeks ago
It's a 2013 Model Lancer LX MY14, Colored white
Havn't modded anything major yet, chucked on some window visors and some eyebrows

How you found out about ClubCJ: Was referenced to me by Denis in the facebook group I'm in (MCM melbourne) whilst i was looking to fix my bonnet

Currently I'm still trying to fix the dent on my hood. Quite the long story of how i got it, but basically in short i was driving along the M1 Princess Freeway and they were doing roadworks in the middle section between the two directions of traffic and of machines flung a rock about the side of my hand at the bonnet bypassing 4 lanes of traffic to hit my car. Figured it was probably karma for everything crappy i've done in my life so far haha, still pretty mad tho cos the car's basically new still.

Anyways yeah so that's a bit about me! Nice to meet you all.

Also if anyone knows where i could get this dent fixed/removed for a reasonable/cheap price round Melbourne would be much appreciated! Leave a reply or PM me thanks :D

Also nice to meet you guys!

Pics of car :(

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 10:45 am
by belle_tb_ES

If that happened to my car, I would have gone mental! Not much you can do though, unfortunately.

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 12:25 pm
by VRX_08
Welcome :D

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 2:07 pm
by MyEducation
Thanks all :)

and also
TrojanHorse wrote:Can you find out whos in charge of doing the roadworks there? You shouldnt have to pay for that. Ring them up and explain the damage and inform them youll be sending them the bill. The best bet for that sort of damage where the paint is still intact (looks to be in the pics anyway) is a dent removal specialist. Just do a google search for ones in Melbs. Dont go to a crash repairer or panelbeater, theyll want to replace or fix and respray the whole thing. Its much cheaper to get one of those dent removal ppl to do it. If you do need the pain touching up, you can get similar ppl that do paint chips and damage once the dent is removed to save you respraying the whole bonnet again. Some of these places will do both services at once if needed too if you have a good look.

Yeah I've rung up Vic Roads and they've said they've said it was under some council or something like that but they wouldn't tell me specifically and said that if i wanted to claim it i would have to take them to court, and would also only pay out if the property damage is greater than the "property damage threshold amount" of 1,290

And yeah it's a paint is still in tact, has a few grazes. Was looking for one of those dent repairs but they're all pretty far away :/. Hope it isn't too expensive haha. I'm not too sure how well they would be able to fix it to thought because it's on that bonnet curve as well so yeah

Reference: ... cident.htm

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 3:47 pm
by kay christensen
welcome :)

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 7:11 pm
by bunnishiwa
Greetings to you Vic.

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 7:40 pm
by denzza
Welcome to CLUBCJ!

For more action, join here

Hope to see you at meets!

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 10:41 am
by turbogirl
Welcome Victor!

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 9:45 pm
by Metalstrix
Welcome buddy!

Shame about the bonnet. Make em pay ;)